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Sunday, 19 June 2016

Viaduct spring league, final round.

After the tasty breakfast at cafe Fox, it was off to the fishery with Mr Fox, I needed to get a section win today to stand any chance of getting into the overalls, so a good draw was needed, especially with the quality of angler that fishes this league. I not the tin of dreams . Which very quickly became the tin of nightmares as I opened the ticket to reveal 55, noooooooooooo,
It's on the Carpark bank of lodge lake, definitely a peg to avoid virtually any time of the year, for company I had Alex nadin on 56, which is as bad as mine , and Paul Blake the other side on 53, which is a corner peg and a good section winning peg.
I moaned my.way to the swim and began getting ready, I wasn't to confident about doing well though.
Normal rigs today, a couple of pellet rigs to fish long at 16 mtrs, one on the deck and one shallow, a meat rig for 6 mtrs, and a margin rig to fish down to my left for meat or maggot over groundbait in about 12 inches of water.
At the start I fed all lines but started on the long pole line on the deck, fishing an 8 over 6,s.
Not to much to mention really apart from a few skimmers from the long line in the first half of the match, I did get a few fish over the margin groundbait line but as they were only single fish I couldn't manage to fool one.
The last couple of hours were the best, I had some more decent skimmers off the long line , and a carp, but lost three foulers, I also had some decent skimmers skimmers from the short meat line, then in the last hour a few fish turned up over the ground bait and I had 4 more carp off that line, but it was going to third at best in the section as Andy Crocker on 62 and Paul Blake on 53 both looked to have beaten me, and they did with Andy winning the section with 100.15 and Paul was second with 95.12, leaving me third with 87.8, which was 55.12 of carp (6), and 31.12 of skimmers, so a days fishing in the end , so no real complaints from me,
Again it fished really well again today with 27 weights over 100lb, first on the day was a man who some say sold his virginity to the devil to ensure good draws. Others say he just has a golden arm, whichever anyone thinks we just know him as THE TRIG!!
He was on peg 125 and ended up with 243.15, catching mainly on the meat short in the last half of the match.
2nd mikey (the naturist) Williams on peg 66, (which was rested the previous day) with 220.15
3rd was tries apprentice Paul elmes , who did well off 121 with 211.9
4th Dan white on 127 with 209lb
5th Rob Jones on 128 with 192.6
6th Scott Purdy on 112 with 179lb
Final league
1st Craig "the trig"Edmunds on 4pts
2nd Gary o,Shea 5pts
3rd bob"marine boy" Giles 6pts
4th Tony Gilbert 7pts dropping a 4
5th Nick chedzoy 7pts dropping a 7.
It was as always a well run and supported league, so roll on next year,

Next week I am running a match at Landsend, but that is now sold out, next Thursday I have booked into viaduct for the costcutter, its on match with possibly an overflow onto lodge .

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