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Thursday, 16 June 2016

Thursday costcutter, viaduct fishery

After the normal breakfast at the junction cafe, it was off to the fishery for a 9.30 draw, with 33 fishing we were split between Campbell and Cary, also Steve has decided to have a top weight pay out on both lakes then pay down the line , a bit better methinks.
Instead of my normal early draw I decided to wait till nearer the end, when I went into the tin there were 4 tickets left, 111/112/128 and 81, none of which I would mind but I would like to avoid 81 if possible, I needn't have worried as Chris Fox pulled that one out , I dipped in and had 128 stuck to me , at last I was not on Cary. Glen Bailey won the short pope match yesterday with over 200lb , mainly on paste down his right hand margin, no paste with me so today it was going to be meat at 5mtrs, then pellet shallow and deep under an overhanging branch at 14 mtrs to my right , also pellet on the deck at the end of the spit, and a pellet rig for my right hand margin
The right hand margin looked as though it was going to be a bit of a tackle graveyard as the brambles had grown over a mtr out into the lake from the bank, so the acolyte margin pole was the tool of choice for that, there aren't many poles that would withstand the pressure I was going to use to bully the carp away from the briars.
At the start I began on the 14 mtr line with banded  8mm pellet over 6,s, I fed all the lines with the necessary baits , starting on the deep rig it didn't take long to get connected to an angry carp, unfortunately it wasn't hooked to close the mouth by the feel of it, it soon came off though, back in and the same thing happened, so in with the shallow rig and another fouler, so 20 mins in and it was 4 nil, all fouled, then I had a small one shallow, but it was proving difficult, if I didn't feed I had no bites, when I did I had fizzing and foulers, but I couldn't catch shallow. So after 90 mins all I had was three smallish carp, and with inform Steve Shaw catching over on 110 and Tim Ford on 132 also looking as though he was doing ok the righting was on the wall, as the match went on I did begin to put some in the net , but on all my long lines foulers were a minor issue, the meat line never got going, so I switched that to an 8mm pellet line, it certainly got the fish into the peg but they were coming up making them hard to catch, in fact I couldn't hook them shallow, but had no problem foulhooking them. My best line was down to my right on banded pellet, but it wasn't faint heart fishing, it was proper hit , hold and pull stuff, I must say the acolyte margin pole is a serious piece of strong kit, I've had to put a proper bend in it giving those edge fish serious grief, and it did it admirably with no issues.
By the end I had 26 carp and a few silver's, not to bad really as I have had a torrid day with lost foulers , one of my.worst days with that problem, but I weighed in 133.11 which I new was going to be no good today for a Brown envelope,
1st on the day was Steve Shaw on 110 with 222.4, Steve caught fishing around his peg with pellet on the lead.
2nd Tim Ford on 132 with 209.3
3rd was Alex?????? On 123 with 167.8
4th Scott ?????? on 118 with 157lb
5th Scott Russell on 111 with 152.12
6th me on 128 and David simpkins on 102 with 133.11.
Off down there again on Sunday for the last of the spring league matches, if I can win my section I have an outside chance of sneaking into the overalls. No doubt I will be back on Cary.

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