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Sunday, 5 June 2016

Viaduct spring league, penultimate round

Travelled with Chris Fox again today , so it was a delicious breakfast at cafe Fox, nicely cooked by Caroline.
We got to the fishery with plenty of time , so plenty of time for a bit of piss taking, I don't like to miss an opportunity.
Second into the draw tin after Chris Fox, he gets 112, nice and I get 105, not so nice.
For company I had Paul Blake down in the corner on 109, and Mike walker on 103, so I had plenty of room, and with the breeze blowing into this end of the lake I fancied it may be ok.
Before I carry on, I have a bit of a seat box SOS for callum Craig who was sat on 53/52 and 55, so if anyone knows of a decent upholsterer who can make him a wider seat for his box. Drop me txt and I will forward it onto him.
Back at my peg and this is going to be a short blog from he are , as all I could muster in 6 hours was 4 carp and a small skimmer, I had one shallow , 2 on the deck on pellet and one short on meat 30 mins from the end, not the mm most enjoyable of days , to make matters worse I had Luke sorokin in the k/o, but he couldn't make it so he sent a reserve in the shape of his grandad, Rob Jones, who was opposite on 74, and he proceeded to dump me out of the k/o, he had 7 carp for 79lb and my 4 went 44lb, oh well there's always next year, I ended up 3rd in the section, so nothing less than a section win in the last match is required, then I will have to rely on people above me dipping out, so an overall pick-up is looking unlikely, it fished ok today , not as consistently as recent weeks, but still good,
1st on the day was Gary o,Shea on 85 with 231.5, catching all his fish shallow on the pole with pellet.
2nd was Dan white on 81 with 226.12, he would have won easily but he lost a net as he had 88lb in it, welcome to the numpty club matey lol
3rd that man Craig Edmunds on 131 with 223.6, there's uninstalling him, he looks set to win the series, but he can be caught by a couple if he craps out in a fortnight.
4th Nick chedzoy on 111 with 183.2,
5th Rob "drawbag" Giles on 114 with 170.7
6th callum Craig on 53 with 154.8,
7th Mark wynne on 135.11 off peg 135
I'm running a match at Landsend on Thursday as a bit of a practice for Sunday's float only its a 9.30 draw so if you fancy it give me a ring or txt to book in on 07974807941, don't leave it to late as if I don't have enough by weds midday I won't run it .

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