Judith and me had a few hours to burn this afternoon (Saturday) so we decided to go and have a go in the Marina at Portishead, we get quite a few customers in veals who do a bit of lrf,drop shotting and spinning in here for various species , bass , Pollack, gurnard ,blenny etc, also there are lots of mullet in here but we didn't take the right tackle to target those, but it may have been a struggle, as when we got there the wind was blowing straight down the dock, which would have made float fishing awkward, as the water level seemed to be down a couple of foot meaning it was a bit high off the water, we drove round to the top end as it may be a bit more sheltered, but it was just as bad, we did manage to tuck in behind some buildings, we started differently, with Judith fishing bits of rag on a short paternoster set up, while I started on a 3g mini jig head with a piece of isome threaded up it, first drop in and Judith had a lovely little common goby which a little girl walking by with her nan wanted to see then hold, which we duly obliged, then we let her put it back before we could get a picture, out of interest, we had a few people with families stop for a chat and it was the women or little girls which showed the most interest, as we keep saying this type of fishing is ideal for families to do, just do what we do, either make it a numbers thing or a species hunt, keep a tally and you soon see how competitive people can become, (Judith rixon), anyway back to the fishing, and although I had a few rattles on the medium size isome I couldn't connect, whereas Judith was getting bites and was soon on her second goby.

I changed my end tackle to the short paternoster set up, but instead of a piece of rag, I hooked a piece of small isome through the middle and started twitching it back towards me, it did give me two small gobys, but Judith was getting more indications than me on the ragworm, possibly due to the bit of colour in the water, and they were small, but with this style of fishing size in my opinion isn't to important, numbers and different species is what makes it interesting for us.

It always amazes me as to how fast time goes when you are doing this, four hours soon went, and we only stopped as we were getting a bit cold, just a t shirt wasn't enough today, Judith managed to bust me again 8 to 4 , not the most hectic sport we have enjoyed this week, but I think conditions were really against us, Judith also had 3 crabs and she managed to hook me in the finger, luckily none of those counted, lol, but it still took me 15 minutes to convince her to pack up, I had to throw the worm away and promise her a Costa coffee, she has got the knack teasing these mini species onto her hook, which I don't seem to able to emulate, even though I do try, her level of concentration has surprised and impressed me, but she ain't to keen on the bites bait though lol.
Off to Landsend fishery tomorrow for a hastily rescheduled float only league fixture, at least Judith isn't fishing so that will be one less to beat !!!!!!!
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