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Friday, 8 March 2019

Huntstrete silvers match

Back to my doorstep fishery again for this match, it's a nice fishery with lots of options, after.My normal bacon sandwich stop on the way I was pulling into the gates just 12 minutes from my door, the weather was meant to be carp again with winds gusting to nearly 50mph and a bit cooler than of late, and that's just what we got. We had three no shows today for various reasons so it was decided to leave one peg out of three sections, never an easy choice, but we did it on results and weather conditions, that done it was time for the draw. I got in quite early and saw peg 3 on my disc, not normally a peg of choice as this far end last the top island has been hard with 10lb being the best weight from the peg so far, and that was by Barney in the last round, so perhaps it would be ok , as for the wind I was a bit more fortunate than most as one as at the top end and I had less ripple and dave then the pegs further down the lake, although the actual wind was horrendous, and it rained at odd times, but there is a parking bay right behind the peg so at least all my kit could stay in the van so it stayed dry and never blew away, unlike some others, poor old Mr Nicholls , he lost all his bait boxes with his quarter pints in, never to be seen again, also his groundbait bowl with his normal dusting across the bottom shot off lol.
Rigs were kept to a minimum today a 1g drennan as7 for two lines ,one at 11 mtrs (hopefully) and at 9 mtrs(possibly) and a .6g drennan as6 for topset and two(realistic).
On the whistle I cupped in two balls of groundbait with some casters on the two longer lines, and one on the short line. Starting on the 11mtr line I had to wait a while for my first bite, and that was a 4 oz skimmer, but the wind was increasing all the time and it became an unviable line, so back to 9 mtrs which I could occasionally hold steadyish but no bites, so I was soon back on the short line, and I was soon getting bites from small roach, then after.about an hour I started getting odd skimmers, not big ones but fish up to 10oz.
I had a good couple of hours on the short line with small fish on caster, also I was lucky to have the trip against the wind, which always  helps presentation, as far as I could see I was getting more sport than most, also we took peg 4 out as it's been hard, also Harry Muir on 5 had to leave so I had plenty of room, the only other angler I could see catching was John fry on peg 8.
I did manage to have odd goes at 9 mtrs where I did get a 1 1/2 lb skimmer and towards the end I had three of the new small tench the club have stocked recently, also I had three f1,s, I had the scales so started weighing in at 15 back to my peg, and there quite a few skimmers caught along this bank with John fry doing the best with 21lb so well done to him, my silvers went 18.15 and my f1,s went 4lb for a total of 22.15, Alan oram had the top overall weight on the day with 24lb about half and half silver,s and carp, weigh sheets below.

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