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Sunday, 17 March 2019

Landsend league final rnd

Back to my favourite venue for this last match of this series, as always well run by Ken rayner, but of a sad day .today as the cafe is shutting at the fishery, so I will give it a 5+, it was nice while it lasted 😢.
I was going into today in the final of the k/o against rich heatley, and lying second in the league behind Paul elmes, I needed to win my lake today and hope Paul finished lower than 5 th for win the league,
So into the draw tin and out comes 66 for me up on lake three, I like this lake as the fish normally move about a bit meaning there are lots of pegs capable of winning off, for company I had Lee Williams on 68 and Lewis Jones on 62, and opposite I had Gary o,Shea who was for Bob gullick.
As you can see I had the ends of two island to fish too, so that should be ok, also Mike has done a lot of work on this peg taking out the reed bed to my right so hopefully some fish would be down there.
I only made two rigs up, a .2 sensas foam bodied thing that seems extremely strong, it would do for the right hand margin, and shallowing up about 4 inches I could fish about halfway along the left hand island, the other rig was a 4x12 wire stem float to fish meat in the island gap towards each island , and the same.rig would do for 6 mtrs and down the left hand margin as it was the same depth.
at the start I fed some meat towards each island, some pellets down the right hand margin, and some.meat at 6 mtrs and down the left side, I also fired a few.pellets along the left hand island.
I started across by the left hand island, and hooked two carp in the first two drops, both fouled and they both came off, and that was the last of any action in that spot for the whole match, so I switched to the right hand island and managed to land a couple from there,  it that was the only two bites from that spot, I cupped in a bit of meat at 14 mtrs to my right in the middle, and had two fish from there, it was hard to get more than two fish off any line in the early stages, Gary opposite was also having a couple but again he couldn't get them lined up. I went into the right hand margin and had a couple from there, then nothing, so across to the left against the island, and I managed a couple from there aswell on banded 8mm, back into the right hand margin, and another one from there , also on banded 8mm. I had a from the two pellet lines , also a couple on the 6mtr meat line towards the end, it's hard to see what's happening in this lake as you can't see anyone, I thought it was going to be close between me and gary, and after.the match it turned out we had done ok so it was going to be between him and me for the lake win, I had clicked 71 lb, but I think I had missed a couple of smaller fish in the count, the weigh in started on the far side and as with 65lb when they got to me, I put 78lb on the scales, so I did miss a couple ,  but I got the required lake win,
Silver,s on this lake was won by Lee on 68 with 23lb of mainly f1,s well.done
Top weight overall on the day went to Steve seager on peg 16 with 140lb+
As for the league Paul elmes did well Off 28 to come second on his lake, so securing top spot in the league, so second will have to do, but I did win th k/o so that was ok, weigh sheets below.

Also a big thanks to Andy seery who again sent up some of his so simple pellets, liquids and waters etc, for the winners and framers,  always appreciated matey.

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