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Saturday, 30 November 2019

By way of a change

With plenty of cod showing in the channel, I decided on having a chuck with the shops sea fishing guru, Steve ace, probably one of if not the most knowledgeable sea angler in the area, he grew up on the upper channel and knows it like the back of his hand,  but he seems to know about just every southwest Mark you care to mention, so Friday night myself , Gary elcox, Dave shaw, and Gary withey and of course Steve , headed up to the tanks at avonmouth, somewhere I have been to and to be honest without Steve we would probably have ended up in one of the many ditches in amongst the reeds .
We all.Got the shore safely and began to get sorted, with the water still 50mtrs away Steve said we would need to go through the mud and get an early chuck in, I watched Steve slosh through the mud and cast his first rod out, nope that's not for me so I said I would wait another ten minutes for the water to get close enough to cast into, but fair play to Steve , he took my rod and chucked the rig into darkness, Gary elcox was by now making his was across the mud to chuck out, then after few minutes I heard a cry from the darkness, for those of you that are old enough to remember dad's army, with the scene of private pike getting stuck in the barbed wire in coastal mine field, it was the same now, help, help .help, I'm stuck and I'm not joking , I need help, so Steve ace was sent down into the mud to help the hapless gary, who by more was a bit worried and exhausted from trying to free himself, and try as he might Steve couldn't get the suction of the mud and clay to release him, they were just thinking of getting him out of his waders when the tide reached him and a bit water made all the difference, and the seal broke and Gary rushed back to the shore leaving Steve to bring his rods back, if it hadn't been so dark and they weren't to far away it would have made a good video lol, whilst this was going on I had a bite and had a nice codling of about 2 1/2 lb, a nice start.
And the sport was.ok for me, I ended up with 4 in size codling , 2 mini,s and a decent flounder, so for a short three hour season I must say I really enjoyed it.
Gary managed a nice flounder aswell which cheered him up after his near brush with death, hence the manic grin, or was it a look of relief.
dave Shaw also got in the act with a nice flounder , which he was happy with as he loves catching  flounders,
Gary withey also had a nice flounder but I never got a picture of that, as for Steve he did get one in size codling which he returned , and a mini aswell, so we all caught and we had a laugh , we.packed up with frost on the kit , but the walk back warmed us up, even when steve took a wrong turn in the reeds and he fell into ditch, then Gary fell over after jumping across another small ditch, to say he was by now absolutely plastered would be an understatement,  but he was still smiling, so Fairplay to him, I'm looking forward to getting out again soon but next time Judith will be coming with me , so I will be fully expecting a bit of a beating.
Straight 5,

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