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Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Viaduct winter league penultimate round

At least the wind wimps didn't get this one cancelled , even though may told me he had several calls during the week as to weather, (play on words not a mistake) the match would be going ahead. It's a winter league with winter weather, suck it up and get on with it, well that will upset a few then LOL 😂.
After the nice breakfast in the cross keys at lydford we went to the fishery, I think everyone must have travelled on there own today as the parking was rammed, Clayton did our draw ,looked ok on paper apart from his own peg, me on 128, Ron on 80, Clayton on 105 Clint 43 and Leon on 7,all reasonable apart from Clayton who was up against it as it's in with lodge lake and unless he had a carp or two he was realistically looking at bottomish on the section,
My peg is on the far side of the spit on the left hand side, so a bit of shelter from the first wind, which although uncomfortable for those with it in there faces wasn't punishable by any means. I stopped off to chat with Adrian Jeffery on 129 and he was having carp top in his margins to his left at the base of the spit, strange. I went to my swim but no movement there, and this winter it seems the pegs past the spit , although my swim is going to get a few the rest seem to be carp devoid areas at the mo.
Four pieces assembled today, two pole rigs, one dobbing rig in the right hand margin against the spit, a meat rig for the end of the spit, a waggler for meat and a lead rod for meat or bread, no silvers rigs as I needed to catch carp as I'm doing ok in the individual stakes, there had been a few carp moving , mainly slightly to my right, so I did try bread on the wag at half depth just in case, but the wind was blowing it through to much to be effective, so I binned that and threw the tip out with bread, the usual moans about casting to far soon started from both banks, well mainly me to be honest but you just need to get on with it. After all its just how it is at this venue, on cary next and if you are lucky enough to draw 96/97 you will probably have as many as 7 leads plopping into the swim, but then again it's probably true to say you are casting to far aswell lol, I had Ian Dunlop opposite me and looking across it always looks as though the person opposite is casting to far, but they probably arent, sorry for the moaning, after all I did try and throw into Nick chedzoy,s swim a  bit later on ,LOL 😂😂. It's just the viaduct way.
Any way Adrian started well down his edge and was soon catching fish against the spit, I tried it but was getting severely nibbled by roach, I had a couple before sharing a small carp of about 4lb, but that was my only carp from there, I haven't got to much to write about as it was hard on this side of the spit as we expected, certainly there a few fish at this end  it only a few, I ended up with six carp, two on the pole, one on meat at the end of the spit, two on the wag and two on the lead, and three skimmers, for a grand total of 50lb 4oz, which have me 12 points out of 17, not a total disater, four beat me to the right of the spit and one on 123 ,and peg on  my bank, Adrian won the day with quite a low weight for this fishery, 85lb, so well done matey.
And the silvers went to Adam Palmer on peg 11 with 25lb, he just loves his silvers fishing.
Weigh sheets below

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