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Monday, 3 February 2020

Viaduct winter league rnd 3

After the normal tasty breakfast at the cross keys at lydford, (4.65) it was off to the fishery, my turn to be on spring lake, which had been very hard so far, captain Clint did the draw, and it looked good on paper, Ron on 132, Clayton on 85, Clint on 56, Leon on 47 and me on 3, if the carp are on the munch it can be ok, with a 50 yard chuck to the island,

so I set up my normark 11foot multi tip, threaded the line through, bent the tip as I normally do and snapped the carrier section, chances of finding a spare is remote as it's the original and probably 25+ years old, and not being the owner of to many lead rods I was a bit stuck, luckily Dan white had a spare 10 foot daiwa thingy which he lent me, thanks matey.
A couple of pole rigs, one short for caster and roach the intended species, and possibly a perch, the other a double bulked rig for skimmers over groundbait at 14 mtrs, and I did set up a waggler to fish meat at 25 mtrs, but apart from a wobble on the float I didn't get a bite on it so no more on that.
After feeding the pole lines I threw the tip out to the island, nothing first throw which was short of the island, so out again but a lot closer this time, ten minutes later the tip pulls round and after a short fight a 4lb carp as safely netted, a bit gutted really as there aren't many that small in this lake, another 45minutes and no more indications, so out on the pole, only small fish over the groundbait at 14 mtrs, Mark  broomsgrove on my left was catching lots of small roach on the whip, so I came short over the caster line and began to land a few roach in the two to four ounce bracket, but with a carp in the net I really needed another, so out with the tip and got a bit to close to the island, so pulling hard it came free and the rod crashed into the plants behind me snapping the tip ring off, oh well I will have to replace that, out with the scissors and a quick trim back to the next eye and I was back in action, but no bites so back on the pole for a couple of small skimmers and roach, I pinged out of a roach trying to swing it, rig now tied around the pole , so I threw out the bread again , managed to make the rig again and just as I put the topset down the tip dropped back and another carp was netted , a double figure fish this time, there were now a few carp being caught, but I was still in the hunt as far as the lake was fishing, but I had no more carp on the tip, although the pole now was showing signs of life on the 14 mtr line, a couple of 1lb skimmers with some smaller ones, then in the last 30minutes a couple of 3lb bream, so by the end I had doubles of silvers and two carp, Russ peck had caught a few carp on peg 8 for 47lb then the next was close with two 29lb then me with 28, so not a disaster,
Top on the day was Callum dicks on 119 who dobbed bread to the end bank for 111lb.

Top silver weight was taken by Adam Palmer on peg 25lb with 21lb of mainly skimmers.
All the weigh sheets below as normal, on the team front we had a red letter day with coming third, (it won't last lol).

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