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Sunday, 31 August 2014

Sedges brick lake , Sunday open

19 fishing today , just one Larry let down as his missus wouldn't let him use the car, I said I wouldn't say his name , so Pete noton I won't then.
I,ve really got to stop saying which peg I fancy , as I said to trig peg 10 would be nice today , I was last but one to draw and yes peg ten comes out stuck to my mit, it won the match on Saturday with 90 something pounds so I expected a reasonable day.
I set a meat rig for 5 and 14 mtrs ,it was the same depth within a couple of inches so one rig for both, the business end had the normal size 16 middy 8313 hook on .16, for the end bank I put together a rig to fish against the reeds in about 2 foot of water, so I was ready in plenty of time, at the start I fed both meat lines and fired some 6 mm pellets to the end bank, starting at 14 mtrs it didn't take to long to get my first carp, and by the end of the first hour I was on 4 carp and a couple of skimmers, it was about now that I saw the reeds twitching a bit so I got off my box and made a shallow rig up to fish at 6inches against the reed stems, and it worked well as by the end of the second hour I was on 12 carp, so it was off my box again to go and get another net as this fishery has a 100lb net limit and with 4 hours left it looked as though a big weight was on the card, I fed all lines before the net walk and when I got back the fish didn't seem to want to be against the reeds the same as before, in fact the last 4 hours were quite difficult I did manage a couple more on the long meat line but the rig against the reeds produced the best fishing banded 8mm over loose fed 6,s, I ended up with 23 carp up to about 12lb for what I reckoned would go 150lb ish, but it was going to be close with Craig Edmunds having a bit of a purple patch over on 13 catching really well towards the end on meat over groundbait in his margin including a fish of over 24lb, also Tom mangnall on 7 had enjoyed a good latter part of the match catching on his favoured straight lead approach ,
My 23 carp and few silvers went 148.1 for first today
2nd Craig Edmunds on 13 with 139.6
3rd Tom mangnall on 7 with 139.1, that was close
4th Martin rayet on 12 with 100.8
5th Martin lenaghan on peg 1 with 89.11
6th Gary o' Shea on peg 6 with 82.1
There was a tie for silvers with trig and Martin rayet both weighing 24.9 of skimmers
Next week I am running one at chilton trinity on woodland lake so phone me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in

Angling trust, aca masters, the glebe fishery

This fishery is a bit of a drive for one days fishing, it's a 240 mile round trip for me, so well over 2 hours driving but it's worth it from time to time as the sport can be good, I picked ken Rayner up at 5.30 and 2 hours 20 mins later we pulled into Mallory park for breakfast with a bit of time to kill before the 8.30 draw, it's a nice match as some of the best anglers in the country attend with the  ringers , James dent and the likes, we had to go to the fishery for the draw, which as is normal at this event it's all a bit haphazard , even though we were first to pay our pools we were last to draw, whilst waiting me and ken took a brief stroll around pool 1 where I commented on liking the look of peg 1, then we took a look at uglies pool and ken reckoned he was entitled to fish on there as he had never fished it , back to the draw and with mark poppleton eventually getting the last draw sequence , lo and behold peg 1 pool one for me and a nice draw on uglies for ken,
The peg was nice as I was sheltered from the gusty wind and I had lots of options, margins each side, long margin to a reed bed to my as it's an end peg, corn at 5 mtrs works well here as meat is banned and 2 pellet rigs for 14 mtrs  one deep and a shallow rig just in case, finally a pellet wag rod was assembled with a 4ssg j range styro was , it was probably a 45 yard sling to the far bank but with a favourable wind easily attainable, I was the only person on the lake to set one up, but with the wind getting worse that wasn't supriseing , most seemed to opting for a feeder approach , the method is banned on this complex and roar set up must have a minimum of a 20 inch hook length , and with reeds opposite feeder fishing can be a bit torrid with a hook link of that size, then again fishery owner Roy Marlow is known to work in mysterious ways from time to time, but it's a nice well kept fishery so he must be right most of the time.
Not to much to say about the fishing really as I had a nice day catching 35 smallish carp on all methods , starting on the long pellet rig on the deck and had a few, went long to the reeds and had some shallow there, went on the wag and caught well for a while then they backed off, I did lose a few on the wag as it felt as though there was a length of line going across the swim as I could feel the fish on the end, but they were tethered just going side to side, the corn line gave a few and the margin also had fish in it, in the end, it seemed as though I was going round in circles, the match was only 5 hours which seems really short and it was all over to soon, I was last to weigh on this lake and when the scales got to me 114.10 was winning the section, I thought it was going to be close, but I just managed to edge it with 115.12, so section win and 100 quid in the pocket, that just about covered the day day then !!!!!.
As for the team , we had a few indifferent results, so we ended up 6th I think which isn't to bad in a quality field,
The ringer team won it for the second year running so well done to them, no overall results as you can't get near the sheets , I could have had a look if I waited till after the raffle but with  a long drive we couldn't be assed, over 200lb won it with lots of 100lb back up weights, confirming it as certainly one of the premier waters in the country, but it's not a day ticket water , you need to be a member to fish it, so it never really gets the pressure that commercials get,
I fan ally walked back through my door at a little after 9.30pm , now that's a bit to long of a day for me, off to the sedges tomorrow a mere 40 miles down the road , easy.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

pole only, viaduct fishery, cambell lake

Travelled with trigger and fabio today so the banter was good, slagging loads of people off and putting the world to rights on all subjects from the best breakfast spots to immigration,
at the fishery 14 had booked in, still not great but better than normal, I still cant get my head around the fact no one wants to fish Wednesdays and stand the chance of making a slight profit, yet costcutters on venues like viaduct on thursdays and ivy hiuse on Tuesdays regularly get between 20 and 40, and if you win you hardly cover the cost of travelling there, perhaps its not about the coin anymore and just about a days fishing with the edge of competition.
Back to today and into the draw tin first and iut comes 116, good peg with plenty of fish out in front and the option of a good margin to my right with an overhanging tree, I was next to viaducts shortest 6 foot angler lewis greenwood, on 115 and he was looking a bit confident after the shoeing he gave me the week before, on my right was somersets best milk sucker dave romain,
keeping it simples today as I was going to fish meat at 6 and 13 mtrs and 8mm pellet down to my right , at the start I began at 13 mtrs,  kindering meat whilst feeding the same by hand at 6 mtrs,  I could also just about feed 8mm pellet by hand down to the tree. It was a bit of a slow start and by the end of the first hour I had 4 carp , but as far as I could see no one was catching. Lewis had caught a couple but as is normal he had yet to hook one in the mouth. I spent the first couple of hours at 13 mtrs and was getting the odd fish, but with the 6 mtr line now fizzing a bit , the temptation was to much, so I went in and started catching straight away,  but for some reason most of the fish being cqught today were of a slightly smaller stamp, there were some of the 7 to 10lb fish coming out,  but not as many as normal, I did give the margin a go and had a couple of fish, and I was getting lots of indications,  but the meat line at 6 mtrs was the best, feeding 8mm meat and fish7ng 10mm on a middy 8313 hook to ,18 but I still managed to have 2 rigs ripped off, not really the lines fault as they were almost definitely foulers judging by the ammount of avalon orange hollow elastic being pulled to the middle of the lake,  and thats strong stuff. John howell up on 119 left about halfway through and dave romain went down to the newly vacated swim and began cathing really well, all within a couple of minutes of john leaving,  also lewis had started to catch on his close line, trigger on 123 was also catching as was p nut on 110, but kept catching odd fish right to the end ending up with 40 carp of various sizes, so over 200lb was in the nets, the only person with more carp than me was p nut but his fish were a lot smaller.
It fished really well again and it turned into quite a close affair.
1st was me with 242.14
2nd p nut on 110 with 221lb
3rd lewis greenwood king, on 115 with 216lb
4th trigger edmunds, on 123 with212.8
5thdave romain,  on 118 with 183.2
6th j walvin on 112 with 142.14
silvers with 36.9 was the gimp on 130 with 5 tench a few skimmers and lots of small roach and tiny skimmers on worm and caster

Monday, 25 August 2014

gary wall memorial, landsend fishery

A bit of a dissapointing turnout,  only 14 in the end, so plenty of space for all, mark poppleton handed me a peg which turned out to be 13, up in the top left hand corner of the lake, the only person I could see was mark poppleton opposite on 11, only three rigs to put up today, a marg7n pellet rig down to my right ,(never used), a meat rig for 6 mtrs at 11 and 2 o, clock angles and a pellet rig for 8ver towards the island , about 2 foot off the island,
the weather men seemed to have got it right today as it rained for
5 1/2 hours of the 6, luckily there was very little wind so I was sat under the brolly for the duration of the match , not to much to talk about in this match as I had an easy day, start7ng at 6 mtrs on meat catchung ok so I stayed on this short line for the first 4 hours whilst feeding the island but I never had to go over till the last 2 hours and had some carp there aswell, trouble is its only 12 inches deep over there so the fish are a bit cagey, mark opposite started better than me catching on paste just off the island but his oeg dried 7n the last 2 hours whereas I kept catdhing a few ending up with abiut 35 carp for what shiuod be over 150lb, when I weighed they actually went 178.13 for first on the day so quite a profitable couple of days,
2nd was tom mangnall on 22 with 154.2
3rd mark poppleton on 11 with 121
4th pete nurse on 19 with 114.15
5th rod Wootten on 32 with 105.1 which also included the top silvers weight on the day with 28.10 of mainly skimmers
6th cockney bob , a friend of steve tuckers , on peg 31 with 99.1
off to viaduct again on Wednesday for a pole only on campbell,  10 draw , book in at the fishery if your interested

Sunday, 24 August 2014

float only , last round, viaduct fishery

With 40 of spread around campbell and cary it was always going to shape up as a bit of a carp fest,  I didn't really mind where I drew as its only 5 peg sections so its all quite fair, jamie parkhouse drew 2 oit so I took one and opened it to see 88, the pretty bush peg. My section ran from 81 to me on 88, the danger peg wouod be 85 but luckily niel mercer was sat on that,  happy days, bit with steve tucker on 87 and mike "ga ga" west slapping paste around on 86 it wasnt going to be cut and dried.  Without wasting to much time whaffeling aboit rigs and the like, the first 4 hiurs were a bit boring really with only 3 carp, 2 shallow on the pole and a wing hooked big common on the wag, niel on 85 was doing the best in the section at this stage with 5 carp, but his swim died a bit, also steve next door was 1 fish up, but with 2 hoirs to go some fish turned up on the 6 mtr meat line, and I finished quite well and had another 12 fish in the last 2 hours ending the mqtch with 15 fish four probably 150lb ish, more importantly it looked as though I would win the section and hopefully that would be enoigh to win the series as I had a bigger weight than the people on he same points as me , time would tell, as expected there would be lots of good weights with craig edmunds on 111 comimg oit on top with 245.15, catching some on pellet long to begin with then on his favourite meat attack at 6 mtrs towards the end
2nd paul elmes on 130 with 179.15
3rd ray hayward on 126 with 175.15
4th lee wherret on 112 with 169.15
5th shaun townsend on 118 with 167.2
6th p nut on 124 with 164.15
7th me with 164.15
dan squire on 76 with 36.13
steve evans on 81 with 22.1
overall league
tony rixon 23 points 620.8lb, £325
Shaun townsend 23 points 559.6lb,  £250
Tom mangnall 23 points 489.10lb, £175
Bob gullick 22 points 494.11lb £100
Steve tucker 22 points , 419.7lb £50
A tight league for sure, next years dates and venues are already booked, I will post them up shortly, people who fished this year will get first call next year,  but there will be some that wont be asked due to be let downs, so any body fancying get in touch to check on available spaces

Thursday, 21 August 2014

weds open, viaduct fishery

15 fishing on campbell today, so plenty of room. Into the draw tin and out comes 126, its been a good area of late, so no complaints from me, then again there aren't to many bad swims on this lake at this time of year , for company I was mext to the pre pubescent lewis greenwood king, son of fishery manager paul.he was on 125, and I had ziggy to my right on 128, so an empty peg to my right may be advantageous.  And with roy"sex bomb"worth opposite it was going to be a lesson in lead bombing.
I set up the nirmal slapping rig, a depth pellet rig and a pellet rig for down to empty pallet and the normal 5 mtr meat line.
At the start myself and lewis started shallow swinging the rig round , and lewis hooked 4 quick fish but I th8nk he lost 2 when his elastic snapped, I think his dad must have put them in, I think he is going to ask roy the bomb to do it next time .
By now I had caught 2 shallow but it wasnt right, plenty of fizzing but the fish didnt want to be up shallow in it, and if you did see a sign of fish being shallow they dissapeared , but on the deck rig it was possible to hook fish but not to often in the mouth, it wasnt long before lewis was reaching for his lead rod,  especially as roy opposite was slaying them on the said approach which was nice to see as its a bit of an alien approach for him.
It soon turned into a bit of a purple patch for lewis as he had at least 25 carp in 25 put ins fishing the lead at about 20mtrs, he did try and tell me that the bites were just gentle tugs, I would hate to see the sort of bites he generally gets on the tip as the bites he was getting today were pulling the rod round 2 foot !!!!
so I was well behind,  and once you are behind on thiw lake,  its not very often you can catch up, and with roy still catching and ben hagg on 114 now catching well it only left the section to fish for, the margin line was a none starter,  so no more of that then, I had been feeding 10mm meat at 5 mtrs and I had seen a couple of boils when I fed, so I had a go at slapping on that line, and in a short burst I hooked 3 carp, only 1 properly which I landed losing the other 2 as they were fouled, and I had 5 good skimmers, all this 12 inches deep, bit of food for thought there then, perhaps a pellet approach there would have worked,  but with it also being your meat line for the latter part of the match it may be a hard decision,  perhaps early on tje pellet and a switch to meat in the last half.
I had a couple of fish on the long pole depth rig but foulers were making it hard, even gentle lifting of the rig when the float goes resulted in instantly hooked fish on the deck but very few were moith hooked.
the meat line  improved towards the end with lewis catching well on that, as was ziggy, but I was catching ok on it aswell, so the last part of the match was ok for me, but it was never going to be enough to be a danger to lewis , roy or ben, who looked to be filling the top 3,
towards the end ben was scrabbling around in the edge for what turned oit to be one of his nets which had slipped off the peg post with 10 fish in it, he got it back but it only had 2 fish left in it, I ended up with 21 carp and some nice skimmers and a lonely tench,
when the scales got to me top weight so far was lee pes, peti, pesti, sod it pnut with 169.14 so that was the section gone then, my nets went 159.3, still a nice day by any standards, my only pickup was from ziggy who handed his quid over, in 20 pences, obviously mrs ziggy has cut his pocket money.
then lewis put his 48 carp on the scales for a good weight and first on the day with 309.6, he only put between 8 and 10 fish in his nets but still went over in 3 nets
2nd ben hagg with 259.12, it would have been close if he hadnt been operating an early release policy
3rd roy bomb worth on 116 with 235.2
4th p nut with 169.14 on 130
5th james guy on 118 with 166.6
6th me with 159.3
giles cochrane on 123 with 48.2 of mainly skimmers of various sizes on various baits
last of my float only leagues on sunday back at viaduct then its the gary wall memorial match at landsend on Monday so ring me at the shop to book in or phone mike at the fishery to book, then next wednesday its back to campbell lake for a pole only,

Sunday, 17 August 2014

sunday open , landsend fishery

First time back at this nice fishery for a few weeks , and I was looking forward to it, I managed to get 21 booked in so mike gave me the use of match and speci, so plenty of room, I wasnt to fussed as to where I drew, so I waited for the last one in the tub, peg 24, its one of those pegs which I tend to draw with annoying frequency, and with the strong northwesterly wind bkowing in at me , I was in for a chilly day as its in the shade all day, for company I had craig(trigger) edmunds on 22. I set up 4 rigs today, a pellet rig for my left hand margin, two more pellet rigs for up along the right hand end bank, one for tight in and one for just down the shelf a bit, the last rig was the obligatory meat rig for 5 mtrs, all the pellet rigs had size 16 b960 hooks on .16 l7me and the meat rig had a 16 middy 8313 also on ,16 line, at the start I began on the 5 mtr meat line hoping to nick a couple of early fish whulst feeding my other lines with 6mm pellets,
at the end of the first hour I had 3 carp whereas trig was on 4 or 6 by then but he had begun at 11 mtrs, in hindsight I should have done the same, also opppsite on 1 jack arpino had begun well and was probably beating trig at this stage, I stuck with the short line till the end of the second hour but uad only moved on to 6 carp, and I was well behind trig and Jack,  so it was out on the just down the shelf rig up to the right, I had 2 fish but was getting liners and lost some foulers so I went back out with the tight in rig which was better and started to put a few fish in the net,  slowly clawing back on jack but always well behind trig who was catching well on maggot or meat over groundbait down his edge,  I had one bite down my margin which reulted in my biggest fish of the day, a nice common ghostie of 8 or 9lb. By switching between the end bank and the 5 mtr line I kept a few fish going into the net , ending the match with 20 carp, one skimmer 2 roach and a small hybrid, so I reck8ned to have 100lb, but trig was admitting to 160 plus as he had 170 on his clicker. He would have won today but due to having a large hole in one of his nets he lost some fish, which opened the door for kev molten up on 15 who had 35 carp on meat down his r7ght hand margin which weighed 165.11 for first on the day pushing trig into 2nd spot with 157.14
3rd lee werrett on 8 with 132.1
4th andy hembrow 124.12
5th steve tucker 122.11
6th me 114lb
7th rod wootten 107.9
8th ken rayner 102.2
rod Wootten with 28.10
it fished really well todat with several people with over 90lb and more with 80 plus.
On bank holiday monday I am running the gary wall memorial match at the fishery, to book in give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 or give mike a ring at the fishery on 07977545882 to book in, it will be a 9.30 draw and fish 10.45 to 4.45

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

weds open, summerhayes fishery

Travelled down today with tim ford and fabio for this one, and with 15fishing , not to bad for a midweeker,, had a right shock at the draw, only gary butler was fishing, an old mate from my river days, initially a bath angler then went to bathampton when they had a good team, (that should upset the new lot lol).he looks a bit older and a lot thinner, plenty of wrinkles, obviously I commented on that , and that I had lots less wrinkles than him to which he replied , you never see a wrinkle on a balloon,  touche .
Pete soon called us for the draw and I pulled out ball 29 which is down the road straight on longs, with 15 of us on this 40 peg lake there was plenty of room for all, either side I had the gimp on 27 and glyn wickham on 31, both of which were going to fish for silvers so all the far bank was mine ha ha,
with the wind coming off our backs I quite fancied it,  I set a marg7n rig for meat , a hard pellet rig for 7 mtrs on the deck , and 2 pellet rigs for tight to the island,
at tje start I fed the island with 6, s , some meat down the edge and fed some hard 4, s at 7 mtrs, which is where I started, it didnt take to lonk to start gett8ng bites on a banded 6mm, catching odd skimmers up to about 1lb, I stuck with this for the first 2 hours and in hindsight (I hate that word) I shiuld have continued with the careful feeding , but no I try and force it and end up scaring the silvers off and just catching a couple of carp, glyn to my left qnd charlie barnes to his left   kept catchimg , but after 2 hours I was probably ahead of both of them,  but with odd carp on the island slurping, it was just to much for me, I went over on the 6 inch deep rig and had 2 quick carp then the went iffy, it was also about now that the wind turned a bit and blew left to right  and began to increase to nearly gale force, which was a shame as I think there were plenty of carp to be had , but the wind was bkowing the rig through, I tried the deeper rig by tye island , this did give me a few fish but foulers were a real problem,  I gave the margin several goes but only had one fish from there,, the rest of the match was t8rrid and hard work,  trying to get sensible presentation I was getting plenty of indications and getting occasional small carp, but the peg was worth more withoit such a str8ng wind, I ended up with 20 plus small carp for over 30lb and at least 10lb of silvers, but fabio round on 19 looked to have done the best with 40 carp which would go at least 65lb, also adie bishop on 13 had coight well on the pellet feeder,
1st went to fabio with 72.2
2nd adie bishop with 54.2
3rd was me with 52.4 of which 14lb were silvers and 38lb carp approx
4th gary b with 35lb
silvers went to the old stager charlie barnes with 20.14 of skimmers on worm initially then on corn towards the end. I enjoyed it except for the strong wind which always ruins canal type commercials, I could have chucked the lead or feeder but its not what I enjoy so I don't.
Off to landsend on sunday for an open,  to book in ring me at the shop on  01179517250 to book in

Sunday, 10 August 2014

round 3 short pole series

Full house again today with 24 fishing, I travelled down with chris fox who I had also drawn in tje k/o, and I had txt him a few days ago to tell him I was going to tear hima new ass, !!!!!!.
I let misha draw for me and she handed me peg 32 which is a peg I said I would fancy today, its an end peg on this bank so the margins were always going to play a big part, and with the tail end of hurricane bertha meant to put in an appearance I would have a bit of shelter at this end, for company I had joe mcmahon on 31 who was being coached by his dad , the old sea dog martin, but he couodnt stay till the end as his first grandchild made an appearance and he had to high tail it back to bristol leaving joe to tgu, b a lift back to bristol, luckily paul elmes took pity on him and gave him a lift, the closest angler the otger side was 2 pots bailey on peg 2 who would be float leger7ng with his favoured paste today.
I set up 2 rigs today for 6 mtrs, one for paste and one for pellet, and 2 margin rigs, one for each side for 8mm pellet over pellet . At the start I fed both margins and began on pellet at 6 mtrs, most people started quite positively and glen on 2 caught straight away, but not for me , an hour in and I was blanking, I had pulled out of 2 skimmers and lost a fouler but I was really struggling, so it was out on the paste which resulted in one carp of about 11/2lb, tiny, and that was the only fish I had on it, a quick look down the edge a bit earlier than I would have like saw my 8mm pellet being butted aroind by silvers,
by now glen had several fish as did niel (thumd print) mercer on 3.
rod Wootten over on 8 was getting odd fish down his margins, but no else was running away with it, halfway through I had 5 smallish carp all taken at 6 mtrs, halway through chris fox turned up behind me to check progress and he was on 5 carp aswell, so all to play for. With 2 hiurs to go I had a bit of a fkurry down my left hand margin and had 4 fish in the next hour , and one fish towards the end to end on 10 carp and a few roach, I new glen had beaten me so I was looking at second in section as niel had stopped getting bites halfway through,
unfortunately for me chris fox on the other end peg on the bank had enjoyed some late fish on maggot over groundbait down his right hand margin to win on the day with 89.8, and dumoing me out of the knockout,
2nd was rod wooten on peg 8 with 81.1
3rd paul elmes on 29 with 74.13
4th glen dailey on 2 with 64.7
5th was me with 56.13
6th steve seager on 25 with 52.1
silvers went to tom mangnall on 15 with 18.7 of mainly skimmers
2nd joe mcmahon 13.3
off to landsend for an open nedt sunday so ring me at the shop to book in 01179517250

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

weds, pole only baitech viaduct

16 of us spread oround cambell today, so a bit of room for most, and with it being a pole only there aint no encroaching,
I was nearly first into the draw and ended up with 118 in my hand, not to dissapointed with that as 117 isnt in and its a bit further oit than 119 which today was inhabited by our latest silver ace in the shape of ziggy slowinski, who informed me that he was fishing for carp today, so the poind side bet was struck, nice and simple today with an out and out 8mm hard pellet attack, so 3 rigs assembled, one for on the deck at 6 and 14 mtrs, a shallow rig and a rig for down to empty peg 117.
At the start I began on the deck at 14 mtrs and it didnt take lomg for tje fizzing to start , on both the 6 and 14 mtr lines, but it didnt really start as I expected with the first hour only g7ving me 4 carp, lee peanut on 121 had begun well and was catching well on his 5 mtr line on pellet, and he seemed to be the only one catching,  I went out on the shallow rig and had a couple but it was difficult, I came in on the 6 mtr line and had 3 fish quickly then that went iffy, by now lee wherrett on 115 had begun to make his paste rig work but he was suffering lots of liners, the carp seemed to be hard to nail down, they were up in the water but hard to catch,
halfway through and a bit behind  I went down to the empty pallet on 117 and lost my first fish aroind the leg, so another rig was put together and I pulled a lot harder on the next fish which kited around and came out,  the last 2 hours were good with fish coming from the empty peg and oit in front shallow, lee on 115 had begun to catch on 115 on paste down his left hand margin,  I could also see fabio on 129 catching close on meat, lee peanut on 121 had slowed r7ght uo towards the end and by the end I new I had him at least beaten,  I wasnt sure aboit fabsy but I new lee on 115 had beaten me as he had had some proper lumps down his edge,
lee ended up with 221.4 for an easy win
2nd was me with 176.2
3rd and one fish behind was fabio with 170.10
4th p cannings on 127 with 155.1
5th p stevens  on 128 with 143.14
6th giles cochrane on 123 with 143.1

Sunday, 3 August 2014

float only , rnd 5 sedges fishery

It was the penultimate round in this league today , with both tile and brick lake being used , only 39 fishong today as I had a no show,
it was the finak of the k/o today with 4 anglers fishing f8r 3 payouts, myself, steve tucker,  bob goolique and bela bakos, ufortunately bela coulbnt come due to work commitments so the 3 of us were guaranteed a pick up providing we caught a fish !!!!!!.
I let glen bailey draw for me and he pulled 30 on tile for me , its a corner but not the best one by a lomg was on this lake. For company I had paul faieres on 29 and I had to sit looking at gordon canning opposite,  and bob goolique , so at least I could see one opponent in the k/o, steve tucker was on peg 2 on brick so he was well out of sight.  Four pole rigs today, a shallow stalker rig jist in case, a rig to fish aga8nst tje reeds on tje end bank, a margin corn rig which was tried several times during the day but never produced a thing, and a meat rig for 7 and 14 mtrs, I also set uo a pellet wag to fish further alomg the end bank.
at the start I fed all pole lines via a cup then began on tje wag, to say it was slow was an understatement,  I stuck with it for over an hoir but only managed 3 small carp on it , and bust off on another, then I chucked it up a tree and lost it , I never set it uo again which was probably a mistake on my part as several people on my bank caught quite well,  but I fully expected to catch on the meat, but no, I only had 2 small carp, a 1lb eel and a small hybrid. I had a real struggle for m9st of the day but at least it wasnt as bad as bob opposite,  as he seemed to think he was still on tje Huntspill as he couldnt catch a thing and spent a lot of tje match wandering about moaning to anyone who wanted to listenm there werent many.
paul next to me hooked a big grassie on corn and he played it for about 20 mins before his actual hook snapped, I did get up and watch him for aboit 10 mins , in which time we had several good looks at the fish and it looked to be the 24lb fish which occasionally comes oit, but his landing net looked woefully small for this metre long fish, but it never got that far.
My best period was in thr last 2 hours , when some fish turned up on the end bank, and I ended the match with aboit 20 carp, all taken on 8mm hard pellet over 6, s , feeding 15 to 20 pellets after each fish seemed the best approach.
All in all the lakes fished really consistently with martin rayet on peg 20 coming out on top with 109.8, catching most of his fish in the last couple of hours on meat at 5mtrs
2nd martin lenaghan on peg 8 with 99.6
3rd joe mcmahon on peg 4 with 98.3
4th steve seager on peg 24 with 92.3 which included a carp of 13.12 just incase anyone missed that fact.
5th tom mangnal on 14 with 91.9
6th tim clarke on 8 with 88.1
silvers went to ziggy slowinski on 18 with 64.6 of skimmers on worm over groundbait
2nd was ken rayner with 45lb on peg 12
steve tucker 79.14 £100
Tony rixon 71.4 £80
Bob goolique 46.8 £60
Off to viaduct on weds for a pole only on cambell then next sunday its round 3 of tje short pole series at chilton trinity on woodland , I , myy have a couple of spare places for that so ring me at the shop to check availability