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Sunday, 10 August 2014

round 3 short pole series

Full house again today with 24 fishing, I travelled down with chris fox who I had also drawn in tje k/o, and I had txt him a few days ago to tell him I was going to tear hima new ass, !!!!!!.
I let misha draw for me and she handed me peg 32 which is a peg I said I would fancy today, its an end peg on this bank so the margins were always going to play a big part, and with the tail end of hurricane bertha meant to put in an appearance I would have a bit of shelter at this end, for company I had joe mcmahon on 31 who was being coached by his dad , the old sea dog martin, but he couodnt stay till the end as his first grandchild made an appearance and he had to high tail it back to bristol leaving joe to tgu, b a lift back to bristol, luckily paul elmes took pity on him and gave him a lift, the closest angler the otger side was 2 pots bailey on peg 2 who would be float leger7ng with his favoured paste today.
I set up 2 rigs today for 6 mtrs, one for paste and one for pellet, and 2 margin rigs, one for each side for 8mm pellet over pellet . At the start I fed both margins and began on pellet at 6 mtrs, most people started quite positively and glen on 2 caught straight away, but not for me , an hour in and I was blanking, I had pulled out of 2 skimmers and lost a fouler but I was really struggling, so it was out on the paste which resulted in one carp of about 11/2lb, tiny, and that was the only fish I had on it, a quick look down the edge a bit earlier than I would have like saw my 8mm pellet being butted aroind by silvers,
by now glen had several fish as did niel (thumd print) mercer on 3.
rod Wootten over on 8 was getting odd fish down his margins, but no else was running away with it, halfway through I had 5 smallish carp all taken at 6 mtrs, halway through chris fox turned up behind me to check progress and he was on 5 carp aswell, so all to play for. With 2 hiurs to go I had a bit of a fkurry down my left hand margin and had 4 fish in the next hour , and one fish towards the end to end on 10 carp and a few roach, I new glen had beaten me so I was looking at second in section as niel had stopped getting bites halfway through,
unfortunately for me chris fox on the other end peg on the bank had enjoyed some late fish on maggot over groundbait down his right hand margin to win on the day with 89.8, and dumoing me out of the knockout,
2nd was rod wooten on peg 8 with 81.1
3rd paul elmes on 29 with 74.13
4th glen dailey on 2 with 64.7
5th was me with 56.13
6th steve seager on 25 with 52.1
silvers went to tom mangnall on 15 with 18.7 of mainly skimmers
2nd joe mcmahon 13.3
off to landsend for an open nedt sunday so ring me at the shop to book in 01179517250

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