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Sunday, 17 August 2014

sunday open , landsend fishery

First time back at this nice fishery for a few weeks , and I was looking forward to it, I managed to get 21 booked in so mike gave me the use of match and speci, so plenty of room, I wasnt to fussed as to where I drew, so I waited for the last one in the tub, peg 24, its one of those pegs which I tend to draw with annoying frequency, and with the strong northwesterly wind bkowing in at me , I was in for a chilly day as its in the shade all day, for company I had craig(trigger) edmunds on 22. I set up 4 rigs today, a pellet rig for my left hand margin, two more pellet rigs for up along the right hand end bank, one for tight in and one for just down the shelf a bit, the last rig was the obligatory meat rig for 5 mtrs, all the pellet rigs had size 16 b960 hooks on .16 l7me and the meat rig had a 16 middy 8313 also on ,16 line, at the start I began on the 5 mtr meat line hoping to nick a couple of early fish whulst feeding my other lines with 6mm pellets,
at the end of the first hour I had 3 carp whereas trig was on 4 or 6 by then but he had begun at 11 mtrs, in hindsight I should have done the same, also opppsite on 1 jack arpino had begun well and was probably beating trig at this stage, I stuck with the short line till the end of the second hour but uad only moved on to 6 carp, and I was well behind trig and Jack,  so it was out on the just down the shelf rig up to the right, I had 2 fish but was getting liners and lost some foulers so I went back out with the tight in rig which was better and started to put a few fish in the net,  slowly clawing back on jack but always well behind trig who was catching well on maggot or meat over groundbait down his edge,  I had one bite down my margin which reulted in my biggest fish of the day, a nice common ghostie of 8 or 9lb. By switching between the end bank and the 5 mtr line I kept a few fish going into the net , ending the match with 20 carp, one skimmer 2 roach and a small hybrid, so I reck8ned to have 100lb, but trig was admitting to 160 plus as he had 170 on his clicker. He would have won today but due to having a large hole in one of his nets he lost some fish, which opened the door for kev molten up on 15 who had 35 carp on meat down his r7ght hand margin which weighed 165.11 for first on the day pushing trig into 2nd spot with 157.14
3rd lee werrett on 8 with 132.1
4th andy hembrow 124.12
5th steve tucker 122.11
6th me 114lb
7th rod wootten 107.9
8th ken rayner 102.2
rod Wootten with 28.10
it fished really well todat with several people with over 90lb and more with 80 plus.
On bank holiday monday I am running the gary wall memorial match at the fishery, to book in give me a ring at the shop on 01179517250 or give mike a ring at the fishery on 07977545882 to book in, it will be a 9.30 draw and fish 10.45 to 4.45

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