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Wednesday, 13 August 2014

weds open, summerhayes fishery

Travelled down today with tim ford and fabio for this one, and with 15fishing , not to bad for a midweeker,, had a right shock at the draw, only gary butler was fishing, an old mate from my river days, initially a bath angler then went to bathampton when they had a good team, (that should upset the new lot lol).he looks a bit older and a lot thinner, plenty of wrinkles, obviously I commented on that , and that I had lots less wrinkles than him to which he replied , you never see a wrinkle on a balloon,  touche .
Pete soon called us for the draw and I pulled out ball 29 which is down the road straight on longs, with 15 of us on this 40 peg lake there was plenty of room for all, either side I had the gimp on 27 and glyn wickham on 31, both of which were going to fish for silvers so all the far bank was mine ha ha,
with the wind coming off our backs I quite fancied it,  I set a marg7n rig for meat , a hard pellet rig for 7 mtrs on the deck , and 2 pellet rigs for tight to the island,
at tje start I fed the island with 6, s , some meat down the edge and fed some hard 4, s at 7 mtrs, which is where I started, it didnt take to lonk to start gett8ng bites on a banded 6mm, catching odd skimmers up to about 1lb, I stuck with this for the first 2 hours and in hindsight (I hate that word) I shiuld have continued with the careful feeding , but no I try and force it and end up scaring the silvers off and just catching a couple of carp, glyn to my left qnd charlie barnes to his left   kept catchimg , but after 2 hours I was probably ahead of both of them,  but with odd carp on the island slurping, it was just to much for me, I went over on the 6 inch deep rig and had 2 quick carp then the went iffy, it was also about now that the wind turned a bit and blew left to right  and began to increase to nearly gale force, which was a shame as I think there were plenty of carp to be had , but the wind was bkowing the rig through, I tried the deeper rig by tye island , this did give me a few fish but foulers were a real problem,  I gave the margin several goes but only had one fish from there,, the rest of the match was t8rrid and hard work,  trying to get sensible presentation I was getting plenty of indications and getting occasional small carp, but the peg was worth more withoit such a str8ng wind, I ended up with 20 plus small carp for over 30lb and at least 10lb of silvers, but fabio round on 19 looked to have done the best with 40 carp which would go at least 65lb, also adie bishop on 13 had coight well on the pellet feeder,
1st went to fabio with 72.2
2nd adie bishop with 54.2
3rd was me with 52.4 of which 14lb were silvers and 38lb carp approx
4th gary b with 35lb
silvers went to the old stager charlie barnes with 20.14 of skimmers on worm initially then on corn towards the end. I enjoyed it except for the strong wind which always ruins canal type commercials, I could have chucked the lead or feeder but its not what I enjoy so I don't.
Off to landsend on sunday for an open,  to book in ring me at the shop on  01179517250 to book in

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