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Monday, 25 August 2014

gary wall memorial, landsend fishery

A bit of a dissapointing turnout,  only 14 in the end, so plenty of space for all, mark poppleton handed me a peg which turned out to be 13, up in the top left hand corner of the lake, the only person I could see was mark poppleton opposite on 11, only three rigs to put up today, a marg7n pellet rig down to my right ,(never used), a meat rig for 6 mtrs at 11 and 2 o, clock angles and a pellet rig for 8ver towards the island , about 2 foot off the island,
the weather men seemed to have got it right today as it rained for
5 1/2 hours of the 6, luckily there was very little wind so I was sat under the brolly for the duration of the match , not to much to talk about in this match as I had an easy day, start7ng at 6 mtrs on meat catchung ok so I stayed on this short line for the first 4 hours whilst feeding the island but I never had to go over till the last 2 hours and had some carp there aswell, trouble is its only 12 inches deep over there so the fish are a bit cagey, mark opposite started better than me catching on paste just off the island but his oeg dried 7n the last 2 hours whereas I kept catdhing a few ending up with abiut 35 carp for what shiuod be over 150lb, when I weighed they actually went 178.13 for first on the day so quite a profitable couple of days,
2nd was tom mangnall on 22 with 154.2
3rd mark poppleton on 11 with 121
4th pete nurse on 19 with 114.15
5th rod Wootten on 32 with 105.1 which also included the top silvers weight on the day with 28.10 of mainly skimmers
6th cockney bob , a friend of steve tuckers , on peg 31 with 99.1
off to viaduct again on Wednesday for a pole only on campbell,  10 draw , book in at the fishery if your interested

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