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Sunday, 6 March 2016

Viaduct winter league rnd 5

I am going to apologise for the shortness of this blog, all will become apparent 😠.
Stopped off with Ron hardiman at canard well for a brekkie, must say it was hot and good, better than the last time we went there.
Got to the fishery with time to spare, but draw time soon arrived, I did the draw again as my team mates didn't want the responsibility, out comes sequence 9, Clayton on 119, Christ he has has some shit pegs, me on 86, ran to it, Tim Clark on 57, sulked to it. Ron on 26 . Happy with it, and our silver angler, Clint wojtyla on peg 10, he was more than happy.
I've had an enjoyable series, mainly due to the banter from our colonial friends from across the water, the pic below shows mikey Williams trying to explain some tactics to some of his fellow countrymen, obviously des jotted a few notes down for him.
Back to my swim and here goes my day . One rod , various baits for hairigging, 85 has been the peg but 86 can be its equal, match started at 10.30, tip stayed motionless.
Between 12.30 and 1 the tip went round three times and I really thought I was get a few but that was the end of my action , all baits , my swim , Dom Sullivan's peg on 96, a longer Chuck to Steve tuckers peg on 97 who was getting odd fish, even towards  85 was no better, I couldn't get a pull round, so by the end I had three carp and a lone skimmer for 26.8 and 9 points , and to make matters worse I lost a tenner to Tim Clark for the series, that's never happened before, but he seemed to enjoy it
Oh well that's that done for another year then, the worse series I have ever had, you now you have done crap when Martin Preston starts taking the piss lol, next Sunday I am running a match at viaduct on the match lake with a chance of an overflow onto lodge , so of anyone wants in ring Steve at the fishery or ring or txt me (txt favourite) on 07974807941 to book in.

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