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Tuesday, 4 December 2018

Covey farm fishery

Tom thick is having a go at running a fishery, Fairplay to him as it can be a proper torrid affair, so we had a bit of a knockup on it today, all very civilised, met in the cross keys at lydford for breakfast , (4.8), only 7 of us fishing and we all had breakfast. It's only a three minute drive to the fishery, so dead handy. Tom was telling us about all the fish that have been put into the lake, so we were really looking forward to it, shame we had a frost to contend with, and after the recent warm weather , it may affect it, there are 16 pegs on the lake , but about 12 is a good number , so people will get a bit of room,

today Tom put in pegs 1 to 13, so every other it was then. Into the draw and I fancied an end peg, but peg 3 was going to be my home.For the day. for company I had the legendary Terry (niblet) green on one and Mark leader on 5. And fishery boss Tom came up for a chat before the start.

I set up three rigs to begin with, one for hard pellet at 13 mtrs straight in front, another for maggot at 11 and 1 o'clock angles at 14 mtrs, and another for maggot halfway up the far shelf at 16 mtrs. At the start I went through the normal ritual of feeding all lines, and began on the 13 mtr pellet line, 40 minutes in and no one had had a fish, a switch to the left hand maggot line and I had a small f1. Followed by another slightly bigger one, and over the next hour I had 4 more, and was winning until Tony thick had a couple of small carp to take the lead, then Terry to my left, had a better carp, so my early lead was cancelled out, to say it was fishing hard was an understatement, I went across to the halfway up the shelf swim, and had one more f1,
With just over an hour to go I set up a rig to fish right over in two foot of water, unfortunately it was 17 mtrs wide , luckily no wind to contend with, and the last hour was the best with some.more f1,s and one slightly better carp of about
1 1/2  lb , which I will admit was hooked in the side, most people were catching odd fish by now, but john(turkey)Thompson up on end peg 13 seemed to be catching some small but proper carp against the far bank shelf, by the end Terry to my left had two fish, Mark to my right had two aswell, so it was difficult. I was weigh as Terry threw back , then I put 12.10 on the scales, all f1,s apart from the one carp.
Which lead right until we got to Turkey who came.out on top today with 13.15 , fewer fish than me , but proper carp , small but bigger than the f1,s.
It was hard and listening to Tom telling how many fish are in there , it was hard to understand as to why it was difficult, probably a combination of the first cold night in a while and the fact it  had the  most anglers it had seen on it so far, who really knows, but he has several thousand more fish going  in in the not to distant future, so I think it will be a good little venue when it's finished, ideal for a small club booking, so ring Tom on 07703771705 to book it, also he will only charge for pegs used and not the whole lake,

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