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Wednesday, 19 December 2018

Wet wet wet ft Winnie the pooh

As the title says , it rained all day and was extremely blustery, mint. Stopped at the bridge for breakfast and it was ok, 3.99.
For to the fishery to find only 6 fishing with John (Turkey) Thompson say in Mike Chapman's chair doing the necessary with the money as Mike wasn't here today, with the weather being so atrocious we eventually decided on a river as none of us could agree which pegs to use, also a big thanks to Adrian and the fishery for waving the peg fees , mainly due I think to them thinking we were slightly mad to be fishing.
I pulled out ball 5 so nearly last to draw so Dan Hurley on 39 in case he had to go and serve a customer, Mark Walsh on 12 must have been mad, me on 21 , craig(not challingsworth) on 24, , Turkey ball 1 on 27, Dave Collins on 36.
I went for 21 as I thought the bridge may afford me a bit of protection from the left to right wind, only took one pic today as I thought it would be a safer option for the phone.
I can't say to much about the day to be honest, it was extremely difficult for all of us, the dobbing approach to the far side didn't work for anyone, although it was nearly impossible to fish the far side, I did get one 8oz carp over there and lost another of a similar size which the  wind blew off, lol.
And so  ensued a hard day, I struggled.all day , only one small carp across, a few down the middle then a short burst of small carp up to 2lb from 3/4 the way across the bridge towards the end, Dan Hurley on 39 won with 31.8 fishing popped up bread towards the bridge, craig (not challingsworth) was second off 24 with 23lb, I was third with 17.8 Dave  Collins had 16.15 and Turkey ended up with just over 11lb, as for Mark Walsh who was sat in the full force of the game and was last.seen being blown across the moors like Mary poppins hanging on to his bait tray brolly, 
The weather got worse as we packed up with the rain going from persistently heavy to persistently torrential, I don't mind rain but I can do without the wind.

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