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Tuesday, 11 December 2018

Tuesday costcutter at acorn fishery

Well I havnt been here for months, so with a couple of Tuesday's off it would be rude not to have a go. I stopped in the bridge in yatton for breakfast, only  a 3.75 as.The sausages.had been nuked a bit to much.
Got to the fishery to find 20 fishing so that's ok, Mike Chapman got the draw underway and asked me to draw his peg, so I pulled out 30 for him, much merriment all round, except for mike, I drew next and pulled out ping pong 13, jubbly , nearly melted the soles on me boots hurrying to the peg, proper flyer at the mo, then I heard the dreaded 6 letter word , REDRAW. Someone hadnt.paid there pools, doh. So into the bucket for a second time for mike, this time peg 5 for him, no merriment, just groans and a bit of a slagging for me, until I drew 25 for myself , that cheered them all up, well it's a peg I have never drawn before so off I went with definitely no smoke coming from my boots. Nice short walk from the van door, all of 6mtrs. I had Craig challingsworth to my right on 23, and Keith Fisher to my left on 27.
Rigs today were a dobbing rig for across, a maggot rig for 4 mtrs in front, and the same rig would do to fish at 13 mtrs left and right , again with maggot, then a pellet rig for platform 26 and across to my left against the grass.
I fed the lines I wanted to put bait in at the start, then went across on the bread, it didn't take Craig long to hook a carp on the far side,  it it was probably fouled as it came.Off halfway back, I hooked one shortly after, which also came off, fouler. Then Craig landed a couple. I lost three more before landing one, Craig was fishing maggot so I switched to the same and began catching a few, it no where near as fast as craig, so I was trying to catch up for the entire match, but never managed to threaten him, he has fished nearly the entire match fishing the far side in about a foot of water, without feeding a thing, I did introduce a few maggots at one stage but it didn't seem to make any difference, I even mug a couple down the middle as they swam past, not bad for December. I also had three fish towards the end on the 4 mtr line, and one on the 13 mtr line to my right, no bites on pellet today, I thought I had about 65lb at the end and ended up with 63, I'm getting better this guestimation business lol.
Craig had  121lb, but that was only good enough for second as Martin rayet on peg 11 won on the day with 127lb, caught mainly short (5mtrs) on maggot, nice and  easy.
The lake fished well considering it's only 2 weeks to christmas, with the fish spread quite well around the lake, silvers were a different proposition, only 4 lb won that, Mike Wilson on peg 34, tench.

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