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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Harescombe Thursday costcutter

17 today so just about right for this lake, after one of Andy's nearly adequate breakfasts it was draw time, second into the bag and out comes 24 disc, nice , Stuart Graham drew it on Tuesday on the old gits invitation only match on Tuesday and won it with 150lb, so I was hoping for a few then, for company I had Terry Jones on 23 and no one on 25, so I had an end peg aswell.
Out and out pellet attack today, so a shallow and a deck rig for across, and the same rigs would do for down my margin and on the end bank, also a deep rig for 4 mtrs.
At the start I fed all longer lines with 4mm pellet and began at 4mtrs, it didn't take long to hook an f1, unfortunately it was in the tail, but it was safely netted. Apart from a skimmer.that was my lot off that line, meanwhile Terry girdelstone down on 21 was catching on his favoured small method feeder slung to the far bank, it was a good chuck it must have been all of 13 mtrs, lol.
With the short pellet line seemingly devoid , unfortunately went to the far bank, that wasn't much better, with only a couple of missed bites, so it was the end banks turn, although not brilliant, I did begin to put some fish in the net, but I was playing catchup with Terry, who was still catching on the method, not quickly but at least he was putting some away, the rest of the lake looked to be fishing hard , I came back into the margin, and had a nice little run of decent f1,s, meaning I had reigned Terry in a bit as the middle part of the match was harder for him, I mainly concentrated on the margin and end bank till the end of the match, catching odd fish but never setting the world on fire, it seemed to be impossible to get the fish lined up, , they certainly didn't want to feed properly as I had a fair few fish hooked around the face, I did lose more today than I generally do, so I put it down to them not being to hungry for some reason, by the end I thought I may just scrape 50lb, so when Andy started the weigh in with me I was happy to put 61.14 on the scales, it should have been more as I missed the net with 2lb, and it cost me today as Terry won on the day with 62.12
3rd was Mike Nicholls on 30 with 46lb
4th John wood on 6 with 40.10
5th Stuart Graham on 3 with 33.14
6th Terry Jones on 23 with 31.2
Another long walk from the van then, off to Chilton Sunday for the first round of my short pole series, I still got room for a couple more.

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