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Sunday, 22 May 2016

Viaduct spring league rnd 3

After another top nosh breakfast at cafe Fox ,then Chris and me were off to the fishery, usual conversation putting the world to rights over brevity, social scrounge, terrorism, immigration etc, you all know the drill lol.
Got to the fishery in plenty of time so the normal banter with anyone in range is always a good way to start the day.
Early into the draw tin of dreams and out comes 126, I haven't been on this bank since the silver's league last autumn, for company I had two of anglings heavyweights, on 125 was Andy Crocker and Dan white on 127, and with mikey Williams on 124 we were never going to have a quiet day.
A real simple approach today, a shallow and deep pellet rigs for 14 mtrs, and a meat rig for 5 mtrs, chatting to Andy Crocker before the start and he was cutting his meat up on the bank, he was intending to cut some 7 and 8mm, as he thought the 7mm might sink a bit slower, like the fish are going to care over  1mm, that is of coarse unless they got a michrometer, on the bottom, in the end he only cut 8mm ,
I began on the long pole with pellet on the deck, Dan began on his normal 16 mtr slapping rig , it took a while for people to begin catching, that is apart from trigger over on peg 115, who was catching on his short meat line , the righting was firmly on the wall,
Dan had a couple of fish shallow, so I was soon reaching for the shallow rig, I hooked a couple of fish but I suspect they were fouled, but I soon had 4 in the net, so me and Dan were on the same for a while , Leon Hubbard on 128 was doing well fishing short on meat , I think I stared at 14 mtrs for to long as Dan pulled a fish ahead, I did get a coupe more but I think I missed the boat by not going longer, trig was flying opposite, and Mickey was snarling a couple shallow by now, and Mark wynne over on 118 was catching on the lead, luckily Dan wasn't in my section, so the people I needed to beat were mikey and Mark, Andy next door was having a mare, losing a few and also getting his air 16 mtr section blow off the roller and suffer a drink, that's going to be dear I know. Also mikey snapped a topkit.
As the match went on I struggled , I had a few on the meat, but mikey was doing well and having a good burst in the last hour on his short meat line , as was Andy who was getting good fish short, but my lines had bit the bullet and I couldn't catch, at the end it was obvious trig was going to with with at least 250lb, also Ben hagg on 110 had caught well, but that was to be expected as it was the second time on the peg in 2 days.
Trig finally weighed in 269.1, he is proper on fire
2nd Ben hagg with 208.7
3rd mikey (hillbilly) Williams with 191lb
4th Leon Hubbard on 128 with 190.11
5th Luke sorokin on 53 with 180.9
6th duck bull on 90 with 176.6.
Not as good as the last match when there was 32 weights over 100lb, only 22 this time , and I think I was 16th with 132lb, and 3rd in my section, as trig is joint top on 5 points and in am right behind on 6pts, so not a total disaster,

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