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Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Weds landsend open

Only 8 fishing today so not a match as such, more a New Year's Eve gathering. Getting to the fishery and it seemed mr frost had done his job and put a hard lid on the lakes, so out with the ball and chain for the second match in a row, I was last but one to draw and out came 13, a nice corner peg and it's possible to get along the end bank making ice. Breaking easier. It wasn't to thick in my peg so it didn't take me to long to clear 16 mtrs along the end bank and 9 mtrs on an angle to my right, so after doing mine I went along to the gimp whose sache weight breaker was well and truly stuck in the ice, so I broke his out to 12 mtrs then went round to help Martin lenaghan on 11 who was in danger f pushing his ice flows into my swim, so we managed to shift away under the ice to hs left, job done, the ice wasn't particularly thick but it was that very clear stuff which is normally very hard and it was !!!!
I set up two rigs of identical weights .3g both with 6313 hooks to .12 line. The two lines were a bit different in depths hence the two rigs . I was going to fish two spots up the left one at 9 mtrs and the other at 14 mtrs, and the other was to the right in that cleared channel. At the start I cupped in some maggots and casters on the three lines and started on the 9mtr right hand channel, I gave it thirty mins  with only a couple of dips so with a quid on the first fish with Martin I went to the left hand bank, by now Martin had missed three bites and lost a fish , so he was gutted when I hooked a perch first drop but he cheered up massively when it came off approaching the net, but his cheery mood soon changed  when I went straight back in and landed a 8oz perch . During the match the right hand channel wasn't to productive giving me 2 f1,s , a lost fouled carp and a skimmer which came adrift when my elastic caught on the edge of the ice, by far and away most of the action came from the left hand margin I had quite a few perch and roach, nothing big but plenty of bites, on the 9 and 14 mtr lines as the ice thawed a bit I fed some micros with a few maggots straight in front on the edge of the ice at 14 mtrs as Martin had had three carp opposite me, I did get one carp from here and two more f1,s , but I was always behind Martin as he had three carp and some silvers including three good skimmers in the last hour, and looking down the lake it was going to be an easy win for him.
1st Martin lenaghan on 11 with 27.2
2nd me with 17.13 my silvers went 12.4 and the golden ghostie carp was the rest
3rd nick Ewers on 2 with 12.10 of silvers to take that then
4th trigger on 19 with 11lb
5th Adrian jeffery on 24 with 9.2

Monday, 29 December 2014

Silvers two dayer at viaduct

I partnered Anton page for this pairs two day fixture, only 13 pairs so a bit disappointing really , I was on Cary for the first day and drew peg 86. Not really a peg I would have chosen as the diagonal bank was still the draw most wanted, and with steve tucker on 85 it was going to be hard to win his pound. I set up two pole rigs , both pencils , one .4 and the other .25 both with an 18 6313 on ,10. I also set up the wag to fish at about 25 mtrs, I can't right to much about today , I. Put a ball of g bait on a couple of lines and fed some caster on the wag line, it was really slow for everyone and it took me 20 mins to get my first bite and that was a small roach, my day never got any better really , I did manage two better skimmers on the wag line , both about 1lb , but carp were a problem, I Hooked landing one , if I had taken my time I would have landed all of them , but there was no point, I ended up with 3.10 oz for third from bottom of the section, steve to my left won the section with 7lb , which was a couple of skimmers and perch and some plippy roach, top on the lake was mat tomes who managed it with only a slight bit of rule bending lol. My partner drew 115 on cambell and managed a lowly 2.7, so that was our push for the top over then
Day two and after a really good breakfast in the brewers Fayre in Glastonbury , it was into the draw at the fishery and out come 110 on cambell, not to bad and. It had 5 lb on it the day before, and that end of the lake fished ok with the wag being the best option with lots of small roach and occasional bonuses in the shape of skimmers and tench, trouble was today is that it was frozen over , so the ice breakers were out and a nice channel was cut out to 14 mtrs, I also did a line down to the left as some good perch are known to hang around a stump , I won't mention the left hand swim again as I was in the shade all day and it froze back over with cat ice before I could fish it, I set up the same two rigs as yesterday, at the start I fed two g bait lines on the right hand side of my channel, at 8 and 14 mtrs, and a caster line to my left against the ice at 14 mtrs, it turned out to be another grueller, with no bites for an hour and a quarter then bite from small roach from then on , but that wasn't even to active, to my right nick Collins on 112 started catching small roach straight away and he had a good tench towards the end, glad I never had a quid with him then, I already. Lost one to mr tucker the day before , which I paid up straight away. On the bank, (take note mr russell) lol.
I ended with 2.14 of plippers, for no good again, our lake today was won Dom Sullivan on 118 with 7lb which turned out to be top on the day, mat tomes struggled today when he had to abide by the rules ha ha ha ha , having just one roach from 123, but. That was one more than my partner who was on 74 and never had a bite, but there was no shame in that as des shipp only had 12 oz off it the day before, and that was with no ice so he could fish the peg properly, for the full results check out dom Sullivan's blog, me and Anton were well and truly on the way home well before the results were done, after sitting in the shade all day I was pretty much chilled to the bone.
Off to landsend on weds , ring me on 07974807941 to book in and on Sunday I an running one at Avalon(yes you read it right) , so ring me on the same number to book in , or ring vic on 07977210078

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Viaduct silvers open, spring lake

Still only 12 fishing this one, I thought a few more would have shown as it's really the last chance to have a practice before the silvers pairs on the weekend on spring and Cary, still 12 is better than 11 but not as good as 13 lol.
As usual we all wanted to draw on the far side , preferably between 16 and 19, so into the coffee tin and out comes peg 1, about as far as you can get from the form pegs, but at least I could see them, a quick chat with Paul and he reckoned it would be ok as the pleasure anglers had been doing well on these early pegs, as the skimmers seemed to be moving back into spring from middle and there is always the option f some good perch down the right hand margin towards the gap into middle by a bush, as long as the carp didn't turn up, which seemed unlikely as they could be seen swimming under the bridge in the channel between the two lakes.
For company I had Scott russell on 2 and round the corner was Kieran guppy on 25, so the pound was  sorted with Scott and I set about setting up the rigs, .4g pencil for over the g bait lines at 11 and 14 mtrs, a .3 for 4 mtrs and a 4x12 for the hoped for perch down the edge,
At the start and after feeding all ones , 3balls at 11 and 4 at 14, some casters down the edge and then started at 4 mtrs, but it. Was slow with only 1 small roach n the first 15 mins , I did think about going out to 11 mtrs for an early look, but then I started to get a few decent roach in the 2 to 4 oz size, then I had a decent hybrid, with no one catching much , and Scott who started n the feeder only having one skimmer I stuck with it , and was glad I did as I the roach kept coming , not frantic just comfortable , especially as the really small ones didn't seem to want to feed , I also had a few more decent skimmers from that line, also feeding an odd small ball of soft g bait on that line seemed to Help, I've tried before on earlier matches but it never seemed to work as it did today,
Two hours in and with the short line slowing right up I went out to 11 mtrs and really expected a skimmer but all I could get was the same size roach, and not one skimmer, so 30 mins later it was out to 14 mtrs, again there seemed to be lots of roach out there aswell but with a couple of 12 oz fish I wasn't complaining,
I had a look for some perch down the edge and had a couple to 8oz and again some sensible roach, but most of the remainder of the match was spent at 14 mtrs and I did get 7 or 8 more skimmers amongst the roach so I ended up with maybe 30lb, the only person I could see catching odd skimmers was Gary oshea over on 18, and andy powers had been catching all day but he had been plagued with lots of small fish and only a few skimmers, also Scott on 2 started getting some skimmers on the pole towards the end but it was to late to catch up, so the pound at least was mine, I did wait in the carpark for it but he seemed to taking a long time pack up ha ha.
I was one of the last to weigh and with Gary on 18 winning with 21lb things were looking good as I new I had that , my net went 28.10 and I new andy powers on 24 never had that, so I at least I can buy judith a Xmas pressy now and I wouldn't have to go to the social for a crisis loan I'll leave that to all the , no I better not say any more had I,
2nd went to Gary oshea on 18 with his 21.11
3rd andy powers on 24 with 18lb
4th r eagle on 15 with 17.7
5th Scott russell n 2 with 16.5
6th Nigel Bartlett on 17 with 15.6
Definately my last post before Xmas so I hope everyone has a good one

Monday, 22 December 2014

Todber league, final round

Off on my own today as my travelling partner set his alarm for the wrong time ,doh.
Into canards for breakfast , it was ok , not the best I,ve had here but it filled a gap, then onto the fishery for the 8.30 draw, only 20 fishing today as there had been several dropouts, mark had done a good a job of finding a few reserves today, why is it people book in for a series only fish a couple then don't bother seeing it out, there are occasions and good reasons for some people needing to drop out or miss a match but to not turn up as they have no chance is wholley unacceptable .
Back to the draw and out comes 28 for me , although Ashley won the section off it last round I wasn't really feeling the love on the peg today, plus I was next to the joint league organiser in the the shape of  a bad tempered nick merry, ooh he can be angry, even launching a top set up the bank during the day with another rig tied in a granny knot around the end,
The pegs I fancied in the section today were 25 which is a big corner peg with lots of room with dan white round the corner on 22 being the next angler, not a flier but with loads of room it may be ok today,
I set up rigs for 13 mtrs on two angles, a rig for a couple of areas against the far bank and a margin rig , I started at 13 mtrs on a piece of corn over micros, not a bite there for the first 30 mins , the anglers around me had started over, and they had a few fish , so I went across and had some bites, firstly on corn then a switch to maggots was ok even if it did attract some small roach, the next couple of hours weren't to bad as I had three proper, if not smallish carp and about 12 or 13 f1,s then the last couple of hours went to rat shit and all I could catch were odd roach, so that was it for me then, dave hodgson on 25 caught some carp down his edge and although I couldn't see dan on 22 as the island was hiding him, I did occasionally see his topkit in the air with elastic out so he was getting a few, the end couldn't come quick enough for most at this end of the lake, dan won our section with 47lb and dave was second with 30lb, I was third with 24lb then it was 13 and 8 after that.
Top on the day was Alan oram on peg 5 with 111lb catching on maggot at 7 mtrs and league winner Ashley Tompkins on 37 was second with 99lb, sealing the league in style so well done to him, the full results will probably be on ken rayners (fishingken) blog, but it may be a few days in appearing as he really had a bad day only weighing about 6lb for last in his section,
May go to acorn on Tuesday for a pre Xmas fix but looking at the weather forecast which is showing wet and windy I may not go at all or I may have a bit of a pleasure session, out of the wind some where.
If I don't do another blog this week , I hope you all have a good Christmas and stay safe

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Weds landsend

Can't be to enthusiastic about this blog as only 6 of us fished, it was more like a pleasure session with an edge, oh well small entry Wednesday matches won't be a worry for me come the new year as I will be working weds , with tues and Thursday off to begin with, cost cutters for me then, and a chance of ten quid pick up and a bonus lucky bag on some venues, but then again it's not all about the money is it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back to landsend and last ticket for me , peg 11 nice , right out of the wind, to be fair we put three on each bank at the top end just so we all had some shelter from the gale that was blowing, the only downshot to the day was that I had to sit and look at fabios cheery face all day, did I really say cheery.
The fishing to say was ok , I had one carp of about 7lb straight away over to the weedbeds just off the island , then I lost a fouler and apart from waspy perch that was it from that area, the 9 mtr caster line was ok with plenty of roach and sensible size perch, I also had a good skimmer and big IDE from here towards the end , also I had two good skimmers on corn over micros at 14 mtrs towards the aerator, I also hooked a carp there aswell which I nearly netted before it came adrift, I would like to say the hook pulled or it broke me , but no I had the dreaded curly line syndrome, bad knot then.
First on the day was Ron hardiman on peg 7 with 32lb of silvers and one near ten pound carp ending with 42lb , fabio was second with 37lb which was mainly 8smallish carp, which tend to sometimes inhabit these corner end pegs, I was third with 29lb, which was 19lb of silvers and two carp, one of which was a squeaker taken towards the end on caster,
Off to todber for the final round of that series and it has been a bit of a disappointment this year as it hasn't fished at all well, with a distinct lack of f1,s which can be a nuisance here, seems as though something has happened ,
Still a few spaces for Sundays match at landsend so book in with me or at the fishery if you want to fish.

Monday, 15 December 2014

Final round , viaduct silvers league

This was a match I needed to get a section win in, as it would mean that I was ending on 5 points and unable to be caught by the chasing pack, lead by the very capable Gary o'shea, a section second would do providing Gary had a bit of a blowout,
So into the draw tin and out comes 121, bugger, it's up on the top bank of cambell all on my own, it's been a bad peg peg right through the series, I would have been happier about three or four pegs to my right in the mid 120's, as the needed skimmers tend to hang,
Getting to the swim I was less than happy to find the strong breeze blowing straight at me, in for a cold day then. With it being on the end of the lake it ruled out the wag as it would mean casting past the anglers on the side banks, plus there were loads of carp on the long line and I couldn't have fed more than about 11 mtrs with caster due to the wind, so it was three pole rigs then , a .5g rig for 11&14 mtrs, a .3g for 5 mtrs and 11 mtrs to the left at about 10 o,clock angle and 4x12 for caster down the margins as the peg can throw up some decent perch, at the start I decided to give it some as nothing had worked for the anglers in previous rounds, so put in 3good balls at 11 mtrs and four at 14, fed casters at 5 and 11mtrs to the left and each margin, and I would like to report that it all went to plan, but no, I had no bites n the first 45 mins at 5 mtrs, so I went out to 11 mtrs and had my first bite just over an hour in, and that was a carp, 20 mins later I had my second bite, a plippy roach, GREAT,
Out to 14 mtrs and it wasn't to much better, with the wind blowing straight it, presentation was crap with the rig constantly blowing in and under the pole tip, if I let it happen I could get the rig to blow in and end up at my feet in about 3 minutes, the wind did stop for about 15 minutes at one stage and I did get some more small roach and I pulled out of a decent fish which felt like a perch,then the wind picked up and finished that off, the 11 mtr angled caster one gave me one good perch of about 2lb, but some carp turned up there and became a nuisance , I landed three and lost the same, I need up with 3lb 3oz for jnt 4in the section, meaning that if Gary won his section he would win with six points leaving me with 7 and hopefully 2nd or 3rd depending on a weight count back .
It was a hard day with most struggling and some even blanking,
1st on the day went to dan squires on 59 lodge with 16.14 of wag caught skimmers and roach, mainly on maggot
2nd Sam Powell on 64 lodge which is the monk peg with 16lb
3rd Paul faieres on 97 with 13 lb
4th Craig Edmunds on 126 with 12.14
5th Gary o'shea on 111 with 12.13
6th Paul greenwood on 56 with 12.8
Gary o,Shea, 6pts
Tony Rixon 7pts     144.14
Dan squire 7pts.   116.1
Craig Edmunds 8pts dropping 4
Bob gullick 8pts dropping 5
Paul elmes 9pts dropping 3
Gary webber and travelling partner Sam Powell 9pts but both dropping 4,s
Next Sunday the gimp is running an open on landsend fishery 9am draw, to book in ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882, or ring me on 07974807941

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Wes silver match, viaduct, Cary lake

There were 8 names for today which is still crap numbers , oh well when I start work in veals on the second of jean that will all change as I will be working Wednesdays so it will be costcutter on a tues or weds, not ideal if you are looking to cover costs but at least they are 30 peggers in the summer and normally 15 plus in the winter, oh well.
Back to today and with a weather bomb forecast I fancied a peg with the wind off my back, 77/78/81 but it wasn't to be as I pulled 100 , at least it was the end peg on this bank, for company I was next to mr Preston southwest mark harper on 98, the peg has had a bit of waggler form lately so I set a 3aaa affair up to fish caster at about 20 mtrs, one pole rig , a .4g rig for the pole at 11 and 14 mtrs, weather bomb permitting, I never set up a light rig which possibly turned out to be a mistake, at the start after feeding 3 balls of groundbait on both pole lines and loose feeding some casters at 5 mtrs I began on the wag with caster, but after 40 mins small roach were being a nuisance, and it seemed the same problem for everyone on the wag, Gary webber over on 78 was on the feeder and had taken a good skimmer and a perch, I went onto the 11 mtr line and the roach were still present there aswell, I gave that an hour but only roach graced the net, plenty of bites but not the required skimmers that are needed to win, out on the 14 mtr line it was the same, 2 1/2 hours in and going nowhere I decided on do or die, so I put in two big balls in at 11 mtrs and 4 proper cup fillers at 14. I gave it 15 mins to settle and had a go at 5 mtrs , a few roach and perch later I went back out to 11 mtrs, after a couple of roach (urgh) I had a pound plus skimmer , I expected a couple more off that line but it was back to roach, and not another skimmer from there for the rest of the match, even though I did give it regular goes, I went out to 14 mtrs and never had a roach bite , which i liked , and I was soon netting a skimmer, I had three on the bounce, to which mark observed that it must be solid, as normal this was the kiss of death, I lost one and it went quiet, so I cupped in anothe ball and had some more skimmers , but an hour from the end my swim totally dried, only the very occasional roach obliged, whereas mark had a reasonable last hour netting 5 good skimmers on a very light rig just dropping it through the groundbait line, I should have set one up but for most of the match I was glad I never as the roach would have loved it, but it may have cost me , but then again the four skimmers I pulled out of  were more to blame , first n the day was mark on 98 with 25lb, I was second with 21lb , Gary webber on 78 had 18lb, andy power on 96 had 15lb followed steve kedge on 87 with 14lb,
Back down to viaduct for the last round of the silvers league , I need a section win really so a good draw is necessary , same peg would peg nice lol, please.
Next weds back down to landsend for a match so let me know if you are interested .

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Landsend winter league round 1

36 fishing this league with 12 on each lake , the first match s a random draw , then you rotate round the other two lakes then back to a random draw to repeat the process with hopefully some different anglers in the section for the last three matches.
Into the draw tin nice and early when all the good pegs are in there, trouble is all the bad ones are in there aswell, and I got a bad one in the shape of 39 on the speci lake, the other end is normally always the favoured place to be , but you never know, (I did really), I,m not going to bore you with the details of a bad day, enough to say that I never had a bite on the normal carp baits in the way of meat , soft pellet and banded pellet, I had to fish single caster along the far bank cover picking up odd perch and a couple of chub, for a bad day and not the start I needed for this league, I did get one carp at the start but at 2lb 13oz it was probably the smallest carp in the lake , and I hooked that in the wing, I did lose a big carp towards the end but my .10 hook link was never going to be up to it.
I ended up with just over 10lb for 4th in the section, so that will hopefully be my dropper, but it's a hard section with some good anglers in it, so the draw is going to be all important, the full results will be on ken rayners blog, but our lake was won by dan white on 31 with 90lb ish second was Adrian Clark on 34 with 70lb, third was Kendra Rayner n 32 with 65lb and nick duckett on 33 with 35lb, so we were definitely at the wrong end,
Off to viaduct on Wednesday for a silvers match, hopefully it will be on Cary or lodge so it will be good practice for the weekends last silvers league match.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Wes open, landsend , lake three .

12 fished today which is a nice number on any of these lakes at this popular Somerset venue, we were  met by quite a hard frost this morning and with a strong northerly wind blowing it was going to be a chilly day for some, especially those on the south bank, Ron hardiman and me argued about who was going to have the last ticket , I let him have that ne and was glad I did as he ended up on 51 whilst I opened 41 which is in the first corner of the lake, unfortunately it was probably the coldest peg on the lake with the freezing wind blowing into me, and it turned not the coldest day I have had to endure so far this winter, I was next to. The gimp on 42 and opposite on the Majorca was bob(super G) gullet on 70 and rod the re-invented silver ace rod wootten on 68. I set a caster rig to use at 6 mtrs and out by the aerator with an 18 6313 on .12 , a meat rig rig for the right hand margin and a depth pellet rig for 14 mtrs just off the spit sticking out from the end bank.
After feeding all lines  I went out onto the caster rig at 6 mtrs, and never had a bite for a while ,which us unusual in this swim as small roach can be a proper pain normally, by now the midsomer norton superstar was getting odd small carp and bits on soft pellet against the far bank, but his fish were on the small side which is normal in that swim, it seems to be a nursery swim. Rod had begun n meat and was catching small skimmers on it, and the gimp was biteless, I started catching small roach after about 15 mins then I had a 4lb carp, then back to the roach again, at the end of the first hour I had another carp off this line in the shape of an 8lb common, and that really signalled the end for bites off that line, so I went out and tried the hard pellet line at 14 mtrs, first put in I had a 6oz roach but that was it, I never had another bite on that line till about 15 mins from the end and that was from a 4 pounder (carp not roach). The swim never got going , I. Did get another carp on caster out by the aerator, and 5 on meat down the edge, losing one down there aswell, the other end and the other bank, seemed to be the place to draw as I could here splashing and see Kendra Rayner up on 55 netting regularly, whereas the anglers on my bank up to the left were left struggling, it seemed the swims without the wind chilling the surface were the place to be , with mark poppleton up on 58 coming out on top with 69.15, mainly caught on soft pellet over micros, I think the peg may have been solid as he left his bait dangling in the edge whilst he was doing something, when he picked up his topkit to ship out there was a carp hanging on the end !!!!!!!
2nd ken(Kendra) Rayner opposite the winner on 55 had 65.15, catching the same way as the winner, but he never managed to snare a freeby on his topkit
3rd rod wootten on 68 with 55.13 and he had top silvers weight with 13.11 of f1,s and small skimmers on his favoured banded hard pellet
4th steve tucker on 62 with 55lb
5th Adrian Clark on 66 with 51.14
6th me with 44.01
The lake fished better than expected with the cold bright weather , but the fish certainly seemed to favour the more sheltered swims, the average weight was over 40lb even with bob gullick trying to reduce the average with a paltry 20lb, no doubt the super G will be back after his face book sympathisers get on the case LOL, (it's only banter)

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Tuesday, costcutter, acorn fishery

It's probably been about 18 months since I last visited this fishery, so I was quite looking forward to today, the only downside was the weather, although dry we were going to get a strong northerly wind, so a nice draw with the wind from behind would be nice, after a couple of bev,s tasty bacon and egg sarnies made with Charlie Barnes,s bacon and or was time for the draw, into the bag bag and out comes peg 6, nice ,a bridge in front and wind off my back, NICE.
Only three rigs today , one for caster at 5mtrs, .4g. Another .4g for against the bridge and a 4x12 for slightly off the island shelf and down the edge, not to much to report on that rig as all I had was a perch over by the island and not a bite down the edge, so no more of that then, to cut a long story short I had three carp and a few bits at 5 mtrs, 5 over by the bridge and I started a new line at 13 mtrs to my left and had 2 there, all the fish being caught on double maggot over potted maggot and a mix of micros and 4,s. Ending up with 35.01for 2nd, being beaten by mike Owens on 21 with 39.10
3rd nick green on 31 with 30.5
4th andy gard on 22 with 22.08
Off to landsend tomorrow, which may be quite hard as there looks as though we are going to get a frost tonight and a clear cold say tomorrow , but you never know !!!

Sunday, 30 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league , penultimate round

After a nice brekkie in canards it was off to the fishery for the draw, nice and early into the tin and out comes 77 on Cary, a nice draw and a good section peg which is all I needed really as it's the section points I needed to stay on top. For company I had Nigel Bartlett on 76 and andy cotterell, on 78,
I set up my normal silvers rigs, a 4x12 to hand on a topkit and a .4g for on the long pole at 11 & 14 mtrs over groundbait, at the start I cupped in 3 balls at 11mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs then began on my topkit to hand rig, it took 15 mins to get a bite which resulted in a 3 oz roach , the next fish was a 1 1/2 lb perch fairly Hooked in the dorsal fin. Then disaster as I lost two more big perch both fairly hooked , but they just farm off, on another day you land every one, then others you can lose loads, and today I think it was just one of those things, I just hoped it wouldn't cost me . I gave the short line  45 mins then went out onto the 11 mtr line, a few small roach was all I could muster on that , so it was out onto the 14 mtr line , that was a bit better as I had a few skimmers , not the normal 2 to 3lb fish but 12oz to 1 1/2, but as no one was catching much of anything I wasn't going to complain, the match was hard for the whole duration to be honest , the forecasted cloudy skies never materialised and with the flat conditions the bigger skimmers never really wanted to feed , by feeding the two long lines quite regularly and swapping between the two lines I kept putting odd smallish skimmers in the net, by the end I reckoned I had between 18 and 20lb, the only other threat in the section was from nick Ewers on 74 who was admitting to 12lb but I didn't believe him as he has always struggled to lie straight in bed, and I was right to not believe him as he put 17.01 on the scales but luckily my net went 18.06 for the required section win, it was a hard match all over and it ended up being a very close affair with Paul elmes on peg 70 coming out the winner with 20.13
2nd Phil cardwell on 68 with 20.7
3rd Gary oshea on 115 with 20.6
4th steve kedge on 97 with 19.10
5th steve tucker on 86 with 18.12
6th me with 18.6
Off to landsend on Wednesday of a match it's a 9am draw if anyone fancies it, either ring me or mike on 07977545882 to book in

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Weds silvers match, baitech viaduct

Another crap turnout today, only 7 of us but it was a good field with andy power, shep, Gary webber, me , steve kedge , the gimp and Sam Powell , and after we drew that was the order we were pegged on with andy on 94 going through to Sam on 103, so it was just the diagonal bank on Cary ,so I was sandwiched between Gary and steve  , me on 99 with kedgy to my left on 100 and Gary on 97, peg 100 has been good of late with a lot of good skimmers being caught on the was fished at about 20 mtrs with corn on the hook, so I set up a 3aa wag to fish towards 100, also two pole rigs , with hardly any wind I set up two pencil floats a .25g and a .4g , both with the obligatory size 18 middy 6313 hook on .10 line. I still haven't found a better silver hook, as most others seem to blunt very quickly but I don't have any issues with middy hooks , and all I use for my carp fishing  are the 8313 pattern, again it never blunts and only opens when you foulhook something.
At the start I cupped in 3 balls at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs all with a sprinkling of casters in, then I started n the wag and corn, a lesson learnt today , don't buy cheap corn for this as it's all sizes and shapes and it never lands where it's intended to, firing three. Or four bits out at a time and they were landing anywhere from 16 to 30 mtrs, not to good really when the float is sat at 20 mtrs, best go and buy some jolly green G methinks, I fished it for 40 mtrs with only a missed bite to show for my troubles, not supriseing really, the fish were probably really confused trying to determine where the next freebies may end up. During this time steve had a couple of skimmers and was getting odd bites, probably more due to the fact some of his corn was on or near his float, so it was out on the 11 mtr line for me , a small roach straight away then a three pound bream, lovely, I had a few more in the next hour and seemed to be doing better than most, by the end of the third hour and with several more skimmers in the net things were looking good, then it all went pear shaped , the roach arrived and to make matters worse steve had hit a purple patch on the wag catching well on his uniform corn, also Gary to my left was now catching some nice fish on the pole, I tried the wag and had two bites one from a 13lb ish carp and a 6oz skimmer so that was shelved, the only things benefitting from my catapulted corn was the ducks, I had to wait till the last 45 mins for the skimmers to return which seemed to coincide with the roach ceasing to be a nuisance and I had a few more good skimmers/small bream during that period, it was lucky I did as just edged me past steve to secure first spot on the day with 36.2
2nd steve kedge with 29.12
3rd Gary webber 28lb
4th andy power 19.4
5th shep 18.10
There seems to be a couple of spaces for Sundays silver league on Sunday, so if you fancy it ring the fishery on 01458 274022 to book in.
Next weds there is a match at landsend so book with me or ring the fishery on 07977545882 and book in with mike, it's the last chance of a practice before the individual winter league starts on the 7th of December, again there are a couple of places still available for this league , to book in give ken Rayner a ring on 07768325552.

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Todber league round three

24 people booked in for this league, but as s normal you tend to get a few drop outs as the league progresses, due mainly to the fact they ain't doing to well and don't stand any chance of framing at the end, I think mark is making a list of Larry let downs not to be asked again, he did a good job filling the spaces as well as he could, but with a couple not showing on the day , down to family sickness and work commitments, both of which are understandable, it left a couple of bigger than usual gaps in some sections.
I was in B section today which is pegs 13 to 20, into the draw and out comes 14 , just to the right of the famous oak tree peg, that was inhabited today by dan white, who was running late as usual but he did get here before the start and was just about ready at the all in.
Three rigs today a maggot rig for down the edge, and two meat rigs, one for 11 mtrs and one right over against the island .
At the start I cupped in meat on those two longer lines and potted some mags down the edge, beginning at 11 mtrs I had to wait 30 mins to my first fish, although I did lose a carp after 15 mins , but it was very hard , and no one was catching much of anything at all, dan had begun to the left of a bankslip on the opposite bank but was struggling so after an hour he was on his 4 mtr line , where he had a couple of fish, I went to the far side and fouled one straight away which came off, and apart from a couple of liners that was my lot on that line until closer to the end, the maggot line down the edge was no good either , I did feed a 4 mtr line and had one bite on it which was a 3 pounder, my best line was the 11 mtr line , it seemed you had to feed about 20 pieces of meat and just sit and wait , then when I had a fish repeat the process, going into the last hour I was a few fish ahead of dan and looked to be winning the section, then dan decided to fish his peg in the right place , he had spent the first 5 hours ignoring the carp cartwheeling around opposite him the the right of the landslip, when he did go in there his float wouldn't sit still and he had 6 or 7 carp in the last hour and by my reckoning he just about overtaken me to probably win the section, he did try and make up several plausible excuses as to why he hadn't fished there earlier, but none of them were very believable , I just kept
trying to explain that t was just down to bad angling LOL. And it's some sour grapes on my part as he did win the section with 54lb  to my  50lb, but I got to say it was a good day with plenty of piss taking and with Callum Craig and mark poppleton opposite there was no shortage of victims
1st on the day went to tackle uk,s top tea boy, ash, on peg 28 with 115.5 of meat caught fish
2nd Alan oram on 38 with 74.4
3rd Tim Clark on 25 with 61.9
4th dan white  54.2
5th mike nicholls on 22 with 51.12
6th kerene Rayner with 51.10 on 11
7th me with 50.8
Off to viaduct for a silvers match on spring lake on weds , to book in ring the fishery n 01458274022 to book in if you fancy it

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Weds open landsend fishery match lake

Still only 8 people booked in for this, I can't get my head around anglers fishing cost cutters and not even being able to cover there costs for the day, or it may just be the case people have Tuesdays and Thursdays off instead of Wednesdays !!!!!.
Mike duckett drew for me today and handed me 16 , to be honest with so few anglers on the lake every peg had loads of room so I didn't care where I drew, either side of me I had kev molten on 13 and Paul Atwood on 19, both to far away to have a conversation with so it was going to be a quiet day, at the weekend there were some fish being caught on banded pellet against the island so I set up a rig for that, I also set up a rig to do the same each side under the empty pallets, a meat rig was put up to fish at 13 mtrs at 1 and 11 o,clock angles, and a caster rig for 4 mtrs for perch hopefully as they have been feeding well lately.
At the start I cupped in some meat on the two 13 mtr lines , fired some pellets against the island and under the pallets each side and began on the short caster line, that was shit , the perch didn't show and the roach were proving difficult to tempt, so after 40 mins it was out on the meat, starting on the 1 o,clock angle I missed a couple of dips before it connected with the first carp of the day, that was safely netted and it wasn't long before I added another , that was the last carp from that area as roach moved in and were proving a nuisance, switching to the 11 angle I started catching carp again but for some reason there were no roach problems, the pellet lines never produced a thing , I did foul a carp down under the pallet to my right but it came adrift, that was my only bite on pellet , the island was no good either, about halfway through I saw a swirl down my left hand margin so I put a rig together for down there and did get two smaller carp and a perch on caster but it didn't warrant spending to much time there as there seemed to be enough fish on the 13 mtr line to do well, it was a case of kindering a few pieces of  6mm meat in and sitting on it with the same size meat on the hook, by the end of the match I had 22 carp to 10lb in the net for well over 100lb, I had 2 down the edge,2to the right at 13 mtrs and 18 to the left at 13 mtrs, a nice interesting day, I ended up with 126.1
2nd was mark poppleton on 22 with 71.2
3rd kev molten on 13 with 60.5
4th   Andy hembrow on 5 with 44.6
John (the gimp) Bradford on peg 2 with 14.4
Off to todber at the weekend and then a silvers match at viaduct next weds on spring lake, book in at the fishery for that one on 01458 274022

Sunday, 16 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league, rnd 4

First match today as an unemployed person, strange I feel the same as last week lol,
Into the draw tin early again, and out comes 60 which is the second peg up on the right hand side of lodge lake, it's a good skimmer area so no complaints from me, for company I had Paul elmes on 59 and p nut on 62, both good silvers anglers so it wasn't going to be a pushover, just two rigs today, a 4x12 slim float for fishing to hand on my topkit, it would also do for a lighter rig for the long pole and I could shallow it up and use it in the margin for the hoped for perch and hybrids, the other rig was a .4g pencil for 11 and14 mtrs over groundbait and caster, after potting 4balls on my two long lines I began on the topkit to hand rig and started getting bites off small roach straight away, 10 mins in and I had a 1 1/2lb skimmer (nice), then a few more roach and a lost carp followed, then I lost what felt like a big hybrid and that was really the end for my close in fishing, Paul was already on the long pole line but was getting plagued with small roach, so I shipped out after 45 mins and was rewarded with a 3lb bream first drop, much to Paul's disgust, also lee was still having a bad day on 62, it turned out for everyone to be a difficult day with bites from quality fish being hard to come by, by constantly swapping from 11 to 14 mtrs I had enough big skimmers to keep me interested, but it was never frantic, lee had a run of decent skimmers down his margin towards the end and it was close until I had two good fish in the last 15 mins, I reckoned on about 20lb and wasn't to far out as the scales read 21.5, which was enough to win the section, lee was second with 17.14 so those two late fish were crucial,
1st on the day was Phil cardwell on 16 spring lake with 26.8
2nd Nigel Bartlett on 86 with 24.5
3rd steve kedge on 12 with 23.2
Jnt 4th me and the googan master Gary webber on 99 with 21.5
6th mark warne on peg 3 with 21.2
All very close , an inch of rain fell on the lakes over night which may have had a bearing on how the lakes fished.
Wednesday it's off to landsend for a match, draw at 9, ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 to book in or ring me on 07974807941. Or txt.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Silvers match, spring lake , baitech viaduct

Only three days left of avon angling, 35 years coming to an end.
Back to today , it was good to get back into lillypool cafe after a couple of dodgy ones at canards well in Shepton,
Only 15 booked in for this one so steve put 12 on spring and 3 on middle, into the draw tin and out comes 19, a good skimmer peg, it was going to be a hard section to win as mark harper was on 16, andy power on 17 and Craig (trigger) Edmunds on 18, not what I would call a shabby line up.
The small open end feeder approach has been scoring well on these pegs recently, but as most of you will know , I don't often chuck a lead about, so I opted for a wag and corn approach, trig had caught a few on it on Cary at the weekend  ,and with a more than manageable wind we both put a wag rod up, well I did after I had scrounged a reel off trig as I had left mine at home, next I put together two pole rigs ,a4x12 to fish to hand on my topkit , and a .4g for skimmers on the deck at 11 and 14 mtrs over groundbait.
At the start I put 2 balls of caster laced g bait at 11 mtrs and 3 at 14mtrs , I started well on my topkit to hand rig, first put in was a 6oz roach, 2nd drop resulted in a 2 1/2 lb hybrid which really pulled the 5 elastic out, then a half ounce roach, and that was my lot on that line for a while, trig by now was out on the wag and had a couple of tidy skimmers , so I l
Followed suite but apart from two missed bites it was totally unproductive for me , trig was still getting odd fish, but I switched to the 11 mtr line and started to pick a few fish off, but they were proving to be hard to tempt, I am sure there were plenty of skimmers in the peg as there were lots of bubbles coming up in the feed area, lots of us today had these bubbles but couldn't tempt to many onto the hook, it was just odd fish going into the net and going into the last hour and trig was ahead by a few pounds by my reckoning, but I had a good last hour putting 7 more skimmers into the net to triggers two so I reckoned on just being ahead of him by the all out, andy on 17 had struggled and been plagued by small fish, but mark on 15. Had had some good perch down his margin and some skimmers on the feeder and pole during the match, in the end it was mark who came first on the day with 36.3 off peg 16, catching his perch and some ice roach down his right hand margin on single and double caster, in second was ziggy slowisnki on 32 in middle lake with 35.4
3rd was me with 33.13
4th Gary webber on 37 with 31.11
5th steve kedge on 2 with 30lb
6th trig Edmunds on 18 with 28.1
Back to viaduct again on Sunday for round three of the silvers league which is on Cary, lodge and spring lakes, and with the weather staying mild it should fish ok.
Next Wednesday there is a match at landsend fishery 9am draw , ring mike at the fishery on 07977545882 or ring me on 07974807941 to book in, DONT ring the shop after Saturday as the lights may be on but no one will be home !!!!!

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Todber series , round 2

This is going to be the last week with the shop open, proper sad time,
Went to canards well pub again for breakfast today, second one on the trot that wasn't to good, back to shipham this week, it will be good to be back. We only just made it in time for the draw, and a few were a bit late.
I was in A section today which was peg 1 to 11, on recent form a draw down the arm would be nice on pegs one to five, into the draw tin and out comes peg, now that's about as far as you can get down the arm, I had dan white for company on peg three, and he was running two hours late as he had been to a two year olds birthday party the night before and had obviously over done the haribo,s.
We had frost to deal with , so I based my attack round maggots micros and soft pellets, so I set a 4x12  rig for 11 mtrs and a rig for the far bank and a margin rig, At the star I fed all ones with mags and or micros, I started on the 11 mtr line on soft pellet, and I was suprised to have to wait 20 mins for a bite, normally on this prolific venue bites a instant from the start, the fishery seems to missing its f1,s or they are just not hungry, the bite was from a big perch , probably a shade over 2lb, a nice fish but not what I was expecting on soft pellet. The peg today never really got going , I had another big perch  down my left had margin, another along the the end bank and 9 carp and a crucian on mainly corn tight to the far bank, even dan beat me today and he gave me a two hour start, the weight got better as it went to the right in the section, dan had 40 plus , bela had 50 plus, Tim Clark had 70 nick merry 80 , so I think the fish had moved back into the open water , that's my excuse and I am sticking to it !!,
The match was won on 38 again by Roland Lucas with 112 lb , I think he caught mainly on maggot fished shallow.
Two trips to viaduct now with a silvers match on spring lake Wednesday , ring the fishery on 01458274022 to book in for that , and on Sunday it's the 3rd round of the silvers league , so hopefully plenty of bites in both matches

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Viaduct silvers league round 3

Another breakfast at canards on the way today, it was ok but not as good as the week before, I will be glad to get back to shipham again.
Only one no show today so still 49 fishing, into the draw tin early and out comes 97,  a good silvers swim in the diagonal bank of Cary, I drew it a few weeks ago in the silvers final and had over 40lb of skimmers so I fancied it for a few today, for company I had our next Tour de France hopeful in the shape of steve denmead on 98 and Roland Lucas on 96 and with the unstoppable andy power turning up n fancied peg 94 in the corner it was never going to be a easy section win, which is what I needed to keep me on the top of the pile,
I set up the two usual rigs n the shape of a .25 & a .4g pencil floats with an 18 middy 6313 hook on ,10 line.
At the start I fed the 3 mtr line with one ball of g bait which is a mix of  gimps and sensas lake and 3 balls at 11 mtrs and 4 at 14 mtrs ,all with a few casters in .
I started at 3 mtrs  feeding a few casters with one on the hook, I missed a couple bites(liners) before hooking a carp which promptly stole my hook, it took a while to get another  bite, but when I did it resulted in a Ruffe (mint), not a good sign. No more bites for another 30 mins there so t was out on the 11 mtr line, Roland and andy were by now getting odd skimmers whilst me and steve sat there with near motionless floats, as did fabio who was on 99, looking around the lake no one was really setting it on fire although Roland next door was getting skimmers regularly, and andy power was also catching steady, so those two were going to be the ones to beat in the section, the only problem with that was that I would need to get some bites to give me any chance, again the small blippy roach weren't feeding which I think is a bit of a trigger for the better fish to switch on .
I did get a few better skimmers during the match but I never had enough to be a threat to the two anglers to my right , Roland caught odd skimmers steadily during the match as did andy and they ended up with 33 and 30lb respectively for first and second in the section, I ended up with 16 lb which was good enough for 3 in section so not a complete blow out , but hopefully that will be my dropper,
Highlight of the day for me and the anglers around us was that fabio had a big fat wood pigeon sat in the tree above his head , and it managed to crap on him three times , much to our amusement .
1st on the day was Gary oshea on 59 lodge with 35.3 of skimmers on maggot and caster over groundbait at 14 mtrs
2nd Roland Lucas next to me with 33.4
3rd ziggy slowisnki on 111 with 32.11
4th andy power on 94 with 30.14
5th gabe skarba on 68 with 25.13
6th Paul elmes on 55 with 25.1

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Pole only viaduct, match lake

Only ten fishing today in a pole only on the match lake, so Paul pegged it 4 up each side and one on each end, no other way to do it really.
Before I carry on , for those fishing the silvers league here on Sunday, be aware it's a 9 o,clock draw, not 9.30 as it was in the first two matches .
I fancied a draw in a corner or on the ends today as I thought the extra bit of room may be an advantage, and the bigger carp seem to inhabit the corners, but no, into the draw tin and out comes 44 which s in the middle of the left hand bank, I had travelling pertner for the day in the shape of Chris fox on 43 and Colin dyer on 45.
I had bought a couple of pints of casters with me but I never used them, the two pints of dead mags were going to used down the edge, so a small rig was put together for that with a 16 middy 8313 hook on .16.
I set up two pellet rigs , one for soft pellet at 13 mtrs over soaked 4,s and micros and a hard pellet rig for 16 mtrs, AT&T he start I began at 13 mtrs with soft pellet and I had bites from the off, starting with a couple of small skimmers then some f1,s. I stayed on this for the first 90 mins then I switched to the hard pellet rig over the same line with a banded 6mm, but still kindering 4,s and micros over the top, all the time I was firing some 4,s out to 16 mtrs , I had also been potting some dead mags each side in the margins.
Looking round most people were catching well , with peanut on 40 , Giles on 42 both doing well, but dan white over on 51 was doing well slapping a hard pellet at 16 mtrs, with 2 1/2 hours to go and the 13 mtr line slowing right up , I went out to 16 mtrs on hard pellet and had an f1 straight away then a small real carp, but I was getting liners so I set up a shallow rig , which was a good move as I started to get f1,s and a couple of carp, the margins didn't really get going for me, probably because I had anglers each side, I had 1 f1 from the right and two proper carp from the left , and one of those was probably 9lb so a good bonus there then, by the end I wasn't to sure as to what I had , I only new I had over 100lb. As expected dan white won with 177.8 , which comprised of about 125lb of f1,s with the balance being proper carp, all caught slapping at 16 mtrs for most of the match then 17.5 towards the end
2nd was Tom thick on 49 with 134.6
3rd Giles cochrane on 42 with 132.2
4th p nut on 40 with 127.7
5th me with 123.11
6th ziggy on 47 with 72.2
Chris fox won the silvers with 17.14 of mainly skimmers of various sizes n maggot fishing just his topkit


Sunday, 26 October 2014

Todber series , park lake

This was the first of a four match series run by nick merry and mark poppleton, 24 fishing split into 6 peg sections  for points, I was first into the draw and ended up on the peg everyone wants 38 !!!. It's the end peg round the far side, anyone who knows the place will know how good it can be, a nice long margin to the right and an island at 15 mtrs, also meat down the middle has been scoring at the venue, for company I had bristols finest roofer in the shape of bela bakos on 37, before I continue with the fishing I must say the breakfast in canards well pub was very nice with friendly staff, so back there again in a fortnight.
Several rigs today , two for pellet across to the island , one on the deck and one shallow, a meat rig for 5 mtrs and a rig for dead maggot down the edge at 5 mtrs ,
At the start I cupped in some maggots down the margin, some meat at 6 mtrs and some 6mm pellet across to the island, I started on the meat line and had two carp in the first 15 mins , but that was it for that ,And after 40 mins I was reaching for the far bank pellet rig, there were lots of fish over there but foulers were a big problem, but as far as I could see most people were suffering the same problem, I tried  the shallow rig but that wasn't any good even thought here were odd slurpers against the island, I had a few but bela was ahead by the halfway stage and I was busy trying to think of some plausible excuses as to why I had done so badly on the flyer of all flyers, but with two hours to go I went down the edge and never looked back, catching steadily on 6 dead maggots on a 14 hook, ending up with well over 100lb and managing to turn the tables on bela (phew). I actually weighed 156lb I think, I never took a copy of the weights , but mike nicholls will have the full result on his blog
2nd was bela with 123lb
Silverfox was 3rd with 94lb and fabio was 4th with 91lb,
Off to viaduct on weds for a pole only on the match lake, so anyone who fancies it book in at the fishery or ring me at the shop while you still can lol

Thursday, 23 October 2014

End of an era and a match at emerald pool

Well it's been there for 35 years and I,ve been behind the counter for 32 of those , but Avon angling will be closing the door for the last time at some stage in November , to say it's been an interesting time is a bit of an understatement, I,ve met a lot of really good people and only a few strange ones luckily. I could right a book on it, but but it could never be published lol.
I started there in 82 when dave Morgan owned it, he sold it in 85 to Rodney and Freda Warwick and I took over in 89, that lasted till 94 when I went bankrupt(always keep on top of the paperwork). That's when John. The gimp, took over and he has controlled me very well till now,
It's not due to financial reasons we are closing , it's being unable to come to an agreement with the landlord over lease , so there it is , I would like to say a big thanks to all our customers who have kept me employed and entertained for the last 32 years, but the biggest thanks must go to judith who has put up with and supported me for this period, there aren't to many who would have I know. and if anyone knows of a job which gives me Wednesdays and Sundays off with plenty of coffee breaks please let me know as I may be your man .
Back to the fishing , we were at emerald pool today for a knock up, only 12 fishing, I was up to 16 at one stage but had some late cancellations. I did something today which I haven't done for a long time , I cocked the draw up and had to have a redraw, 2nd time round I ended up on peg 2 , which fabio had on the first draw, he wasn't to pleased as it's a flyer, first peg over the main bridge  , to the left of the bridge, I had mr kedge to my left the other side of the bridge and I was next to mr cochrane again, this was ans anything goes match with an even split for silvers and overall, and you could win both. My main attack was 6 mm hard pellet over loose fed 4,s at 13 mtrs in front and 14 mtrs towards the empty peg on the other side of. The bridge. I did have a few ropey casters left from the weekend so I set up 4 mtr to hand. Rig for that, the other three rigs were for pellet, one for on the deck, one for shallow and one for the long left hand margin.
I started on the caster rig and after 40 mins all I had to show were three hybrids (roach bream), Giles to my right had started longer and was getting some nice silvers and odd carp on a shallow rig, kedgy was struggling , in hindsight I should have left his peg out as it's very shallow and a lot of colour has dropped out of the water. I went out on the deep rig and started getting bites on banded 6 mm , and liners had me reaching for the shallow rig, several carp and hybrids later the bites went a bit iffy, Giles was ahead by this stage and I was looking at getting some verbal payback from him, with 2 hours to go I went to the long left hand margin and began hatching well, again on banded 6mm, and with an hour to go I had 22 carp in my net and with a 70lb net limit I put a second carp net in, and in the last hour I had 13 more, I think I left it a bit to long to go along the edge, so I ended the match with 35 carp and quite a few accidental silvers in the shape of hybrids and small tench, mostly taken shallow at 13 mtrs,
P-nut lee came first with 132.9 of the bridge peg at the far end of the carpark, catching well on maggot over groundbait against the far bank,
2nd me with 116.7
3rd Giles cochrane 111.8
4th Craig Edmunds 104.8
5th kevin (kieth) jefferies, 64.1
6th Tim Clark, 51.1
Ron hardiman, 35.8
Giles cochrane 25.7
Tim Clark, 25.6
All in all a very enjoyable match,
As for the shop all good things must come to an end, one door closes, hopefully another one will open, I will still be running matches next year as my calendar is already full ,the float only league is booked as is the short pole match at trinity, I will put a complete list of dates on here in the next couple of weeks.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Two days of silvers at viaduct

I had Saturday off to fish the silvers all winners final at viaduct, and with a cloudy day and a bit of a breeze , expectations were quite high . Early into the draw tin and out comes 97 which s on the diagonal bank on Cary , a good skimmer area, for company I had Harold steptoes son in the shape of Giles cochrane on 96 who had lee peanut coaching him as he hadn't qualified, and don Sutherland the other side on 98, so the stage was set for a friendly bit of banter, and we weren't disappointed we had a good laugh all day, rigs today were just two , a .25 and a .4g , both pencil type floats with the normal middy 6313 hook on ,10 line. With rigs done and the g bait mixed I was ready for the 11am start, on the whistle I cupped in a small ball at 3 mtrs and 5 each at 11 and 14 mtrs, starting at 3 mtrs I quickly had a few small roach but it never lasted , and after  about 10 minutes the bites stopped, Giles and don never had a bite on the short line, I did give it 30 mins on this short line but it was a no hoper, Giles had chucked the feeder by now and had caught a couple of  good skimmers and don had caught one on the pole, so I went out to 11 mtrs and fished here for the next 2 1/2 hours catching odd good skimmers, I kept feeding an odd ball on both long pole lines and with 3 hours left I went out to 14 mtrs and stayed here till the end , not really bagging but catching odd skimmers right to the end , as was Giles and don but by the end I reckoned I had beaten them both but it could be tight , looking around it was clear that andy power on 77 was going to to win with dan squire on 88 pushing him closest, and that was how it ended with andy winning with 56.10 catching really well towards the end, on maggot over caster with groundbait, he reckoned he fed about 6 pints of caster and a kilo of crumb
2nd dan squire with 48.10
3rd me with 42.9
4th lee Edwards on 77 with 38.13
5th Paul homewood on 110 with 35.14
6th Giles cochrane with 35.7
Sunday silvers league round 2
Today's match saw me draw 69 on lodge lake which again is a very good skimmer peg, again for company I had Giles cochrane  on 70 and nick Ewers on 68, today's match was a mirror image of the day before with the same rigs and baits, but I did slightly better today ending up with 43.3 of skimmers at 11 and 14 mtrs, as with the day before single dead red maggot fished over the groundbait being the most effective hook bait, it was not quite enough to win today as Gary Shea on 78 won with 47.1, but I was happy with second but mor importantly a second section win was in the bag.
3rd went to Anton page on 81 with 42.11
4th Paul greenwood on 18 with 40.10
5th Dominic Sullivan on 19 with 39.1
6th nick Ewers on 68 with 34lb
Off to emerald again on weds so that should be good for a few bites.

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Emerald fishery , weds open

I couldn't stop for to long , so I was back running a match on ruby and sapphire on this popular day ticket fishery, only ended up wt 15 fishing but Alan let us use both lakes so plenty of room for all, draw done and I had the last ticket which was peg 10 , which really was peg 2 on sapphire, two out of wiggets corner, for company I had the Somerset power lifter, steve kedge to my right and Phil coolam to my left, I planned for an out and out pellet attack today , feeding 6mm and fishing banded 8,s, I set up a rig for the right hand margin, a 5 mtr rig where as it turned out I should have fished meat, and a couple of rigs for the corner of the island , one shallow and one deep,
I started at 5 mtrs and had a couple of carp quickly and some nice roach, all on 8mm, but I saw a couple of swirl so I went out on the shallow rig, but the swirls turned out to be roach, but they were nice fish up to about 10oz, not really what a wanted, I saw a swirl down in my right hand margin over  my pellet feed and went in and had a carp straight away, but I only took the one as it was a bit early to go in there, back out at 5 mtrs and the roach were still being a pest, so I went out to the island on the deck and started catching, feeding with the catty soon had some fish swirling , problem was most of them were roach again, but there were odd carp amongst them so I went in with shallow rig and had some roach and carp, by swapping between the island shallow and deep and the margin I kept putting carp plus some silvers in the nets, I had bites right up till the end , and finished with 55 carp and some silvers which was mainly roach with a few bar of soap tench, I thought I had about 110lb as the carp are of a small average size , which is good as they are easier to land , rumour was that peanut on ruby had won easily as he had been catching well on maggot over groundbait down his margin, but kedgy had a flying last hour on meat at 5 mtrs so it was going to be tight, in the end the honours went to peanut on peg 7 on ruby with134.5
2nd steve kedge, 131.10
3rd me 124.4
4th mat tomes , 114.2
5th bob price 105.15
6th fabio 98.5 and he had top silvers weight with 18.3 of roach and Rudd on 6 mm banded pellet fished shallow
2nd in silvers was peanut,s step dad in the shape of Giles cochrane with 17.4
No fishing for me for over a week for me as I,m off to west Wales with judith and the dogs for a bit of a break, then it's back next Saturday for the silvers all winners final at viaduct , the back down there on the Sunday for round 2 of the silvers league

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Viaduct silvers league, rnd 1

49 are booked in for this popular series which is run over 6 matches, with section points needed to do well , I like to draw early and went in to the tin behind five others, out comes 110 , lovely job , steve kedge had it on Wednesday and won the silvers with 66lb of mainly tench close in, so off to the peg then, for company I had nick Collins on 111, so the banter was always going to be good.
After kedgy doing well with the tench, I set up a rig to fish to hand on a topkit with caster, another on the same line but short lined with a number 4 on if conditions made fishing to hand difficult, a rig for in the margins but with a lot of carp mooching around I wasn't to hopefull of any decent silvers getting a look in, and a rig for caster over groundbait at 13 mtrs, at the start I began feeding caster on the short lines and put 6 balls in at 13 mtrs, I then began on the short to hand rig on single caster, I had a good start with a big hybrid and a tench plus some roach in the first ten minutes, and that in all honesty was my match sorted, I did have a tench and a few smaller skimmers on the 13 mtr line and some perch and sensible roach from the left hand margin until the carp showed up which spelt the end as far as margins went , so by swapping between the to hand rig and the short line rig close in I ended up with 14 tench , some nice skimmers and small roach, it was a bit of a waiting game for a bite but with the night before being the coldest for ages it wasn't really surprising, and also this is the shallowest end of the lake with just over 2 foot on the pole line , so every fish hook made a bit of a mess of the peg, but by the end I reckoned I had over 40lb which looked good enough to get the all important section win, the scales went 43.12 which not only gave me the section but was just enough for first on the day, but it was close with tony page only a good skimmer behind off peg 103 with 42.11
3rd and not to far either was bob gullick on 94 with 41.5
4th andy botterill on 99 with 39.4
5th dan squires on 90 with 34.3
6th Gabriel skarba on 78 with 33.6
Off to emerald on Wednesday for a match on ruby and sapphire, so if anyone fancies a go ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250. £15 quid all in, draw at 9.30

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Weds open viaduct fishery, Campbell lake

This was a fifty fifty match with equal a payouts for overall and silvers, but you can win both, I expected a decent turnout so was disappointed to find only eleven fishing, it seemed like a good opportunity to fish for silvers as the silvers league starts this Sunday , I waited till the end to draw and ended up on 116, nt what I would really deem a good silvers peg, but it is a good carp peg, so the silvers parafanalia was left in the van, and with more people silver fishing than carping it seemed to be a good decision , I had travelling partner Ron hardiman on 115 and mat tomes on 118, I did ok on this peg last time I drew it on meat fished at 13&5 mtrs , so that was the main plan for today, the only difference was the meat size as I changed from 8mm to 10mm size chunks, so rigs done for that I set up a margin rig to use down by the overhanging tree to my right using and feeding 8mm pellet.
I started off at 13 mtrs kindering meat over the top whilst feeding some at 5 mtrs and throwing pellets to the tree to my right, first put in on the meat and the float settled and kept going , that resulted in a flying 2lb skimmer ending up in the net. By the end of the first hour I had only managed one carp and a smaller skimmer, so I switched long lines, going out to 14mtrs and feeding pellet, it certainly seemed better with more activity in the swim but foulers were a problem, so it was off the box and a shallow rig assembled, Ron by now was a couple of fish ahead but was also suffering foulers, it didn't take to long to get a shallow fish, but it was proving to be difficult, you had to feed to get the fish fizzing but they didn't seem to keen to stay near the pole, a switch to the deep rig produced odd fish but foulers kept being a problem, if you stopped feeding the fizzing would stop and so would any indications, I did try down by the tree and had two fish but lost three or four trying to bully them out from the tree, and when my float came back minus a tip and a snapped stem I gave that up as a bad job. With two hours to go I decided to concentrate on the 5 mtr meat line as there were bubbles coming up, with two thirds of the anglers silver bashing it didn't look as though it was going to be hard to get some overall money, it was only Roy the bomb worth who had been plying his trade over on 123, that had the most carp, it was probably pretty much neck and neck between Ron and me at this stage but he had lost a couple of malmanfloats and was crying into his rig box, the last two hours were good and I ended up with 25 carp into double figures for what I reckoned to go at least 140lb, but I was a bit out as they actually went 181.13, the fish at this venue doesn't seem to know how to stop growing, and that was enough for first place.
2nd Roy worth on 123 with 155.14
3rd Ron hardiman , 114lb
4th Nigel Bartlett on 131 with 86.12 which included 56lb of silvers, but that wasn't enough to take the silvers top spot , that went to steve kedge on 110 with 66.8 who finished the match not being able to get his caster hook bait into the water fast enough to catch a tench just on his topkit,

Sunday, 28 September 2014

Sunday open , landsend fishery

20 booked in today so mike let us use match and speci lake, I let Tom mangnall pull me a peg and he gave me 40 which is the disabled peg in the corner of the speci, it's not been to good here of late , but fish have fins so you never know, it's got a bit of form as a good margin peg fishing to the right so a rig was put up to fish pellet against the bank that way, a meat rig for 5 mtrs just for a change lol, and three pellet rigs , one for 17 mtrs towards the island on the deck, one for against the right hand end bank and a shallow rig for the island and the right hand end bank. For company I had chris fox opposite on 25 and Paul elmes on 38, so there was going to be no shortage of swearing.
At the start I fed the end bank and towards the island with 6mm hard pellets and put some down to the left with a pot and just in case I fed a handfull to the right by the inlet pipe which has well and truly stopped running, with the lakes down by at least a foot the need for some serious rain is long overdue. And I fed some meat at 5 mtrs. Starting over towards the island on the deck I soon had some indications , shortly followed by a couple of lost foulers, I noticed a fish out in open water and swung my depth rig out in front of it and it followed the pellet down and took it, that was a signal to up my feed , which worked a I had several fish on the shallow rig, but it's hard work at 17 mtrs , I think I had 8 fish on it before the sun got on the water and the pole started to put them off, the lake sounded as though it was fishing well, as far as the anglers I could see, both Chris and Paul were doing ok aswell,  also it sounded like fabio on 32 was catching well too, halfway through and a switch to the right hand edge saw me take a few more , but you need to be quick as the fish do there best to get into the mesh cage on the end bank , it's a case of lifting into the fish and chucking the pole back in one movement to get maximum pressure on, trouble is you tend to pull out of a few as the pressure is to great, the margins gave me one fish and the meat line three, I think I ended with 21 carp and a few silvers for about 130 to 140lb by my reckoning , I actually ended up with 144.2 for top on the lake but still behind the winner on the day in the shape of Craig Edmunds who was on peg 17 on the match lake with 202.14 , all caught on his favoured meat bait at 5 mtrs
2nd was me with 144.2
3rd Tim Clark on 15 with 129.14
4th Chris fox on 25 with 123lb
5th Paul elmes on 38 with 114.13
6th steve Seager on 33 with 110.5
Nick Collins with 29.5 of roach and skimmers on peg 34
Weds I,m off to viaduct for an open on cambell, should be ok

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Weds open , summerhayes fishery

Turned up for the draw with fabio today , to find 21 fishing, we still had a couple of our colonial friend in attendance in the shape of  of lee wherret and Giles cochrane , what no peanut, it transpires he has developed an RSI in his right wrist, he reckons from over use of the landing net , but I think we all know the real reason.
We were all on longs today so it was a case of every other peg, into the draw tin and out comes 21, right down in the windy corner of the lake, for company I had the Bridgwater marathon champion steve kedge on 23 and fabio on my right on 19. Pete had topped the lake up with a foot of fresh water , and it seemed to have a bit of a brown bloom on the water, Giles won off  my peg a few weeks ago, catching a lot of his fish on caster over to the island, I won't be doing that cos I ain't got none, also he had a few on dead maggot to his left , now I got that , so I set up a rig for down there, a rig for corn over micro at 6 mtrs was put together, and the last rig was a pellet rig for on the deck against the island , which was now 2 foot deep thanks to the extra water, by now the bane of canal lakes started with the wind really getting up and being at the point of the island at the end of the lake, the wind couldn't make its mind up as to which side of the island it wanted to blow down, at the start I began on corn over micro whilst trying to feed some 4,s over to the island which was just short of 14 mtrs, my normal pellet Catty couldn't do it due the wind so I had to use my strongest one to get them there. On the short pole line I had three bites in the first three put ins, missed the first , then had a skimmer followed by a small carp and with a bit of fizz going on I expected to get a few more , but the fizz stopped and so did any indications, I did get a couple more skimmers from there during the match and a couple more small carp but it was proving hard, the maggot margin lines were fruitless, I had one bite down there and missed that but it looked like a liner or small fish bite, most of the rest of the matchwas spent trying to feed and fish against the far bank, but was difficult to get sensible presentation, and there didn't seem as though there were to many fish in the area as both fabio and steve kedge were struggling, by the end I had a few skims and about 10 small carp which pulled the scales down to just over 23lb, fabio chucked back and kedgy had 24 lb ish, so I had to hand fabios quid straight over to him, I didn't stay for the results as fabsy and me were in need of some comfort eating so we were probably in the services before the weigh in was done , closely followed by mr cochrane, as far as I know Alvin jones on peg 37 looked to have won with over 60lb so well done to him,
Sunday it's off to landsend for an open, so if anyone wants to fish just ring me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in, it's a 9.30 draw

Monday, 22 September 2014

Ivy house Sunday open

Firstly a message from steve long at viaduct fishery, the silvers league starts in two weeks and there are still some people haven't paid there entry and confirmed they are fishing, so please give the fishery a ring on 01458274022 to confirm you are fishing, be quick as there are reserves waiting to fish.
Back to ivy house and with 28 eventually booking in, it was another good turnout. After a decent breakfast it was into the draw tin and out comes 37 which s n the backside of the island just as it starts to widen, with empty pegs on the far bank to my right I decided to fish at about a 1 o,clock angle at 6 and 14 mtrs , so I set up a silvers rig to use at 6 mtrs over groundbait and at 14 mtrs I opted for a pellet attack, and with the small carp not showing to well I decided on an 8mm pellet attack as big fish have been the mainstay of the matches lately, I also set up a rig for dead maggot down my right hand margin as 38 wasn't in, 39 was filled by my travelling partner Ron hardiman, at the start I cupped in some 8,s at 14 mtrs , 6 balls of g bait at 6 mtrs with caster in for some hoped for skimmers, and a few dead mags into my right hand margin, I started at 14 mtrs with an 8mm banded pellet, 5 mins in and I had my first bite, a 6oz skimmer, opposite, I think it's steve chandler had a decent carp at the same time but that was it as far as early doors went at our portion of the lake, I haven't really got anything to talk about as apart from small roach over the g bait at 6mtrs, it was rock hard, out of desperation I put in a big pot of dead maggots and 6 mm pellet at 14 mtrs, and it did get a bit of a response , I had a carp lost a couple of foulers and had a few better skimmers , but it was always going to be to little to late, my meagre catch of one carp ans silvers went 16.1, most of the action was going on around the corner to my left in the 20,s and low 30,s, leading the way and coming out with a comfortable win was steve Waters from Oxford on peg 31 with 115..8. Catching the bulk of his weight on dead maggot down to empty peg 30
2nd, on 23 was Paul baker on 23 with 77.4
3rd was Martin lenaghan on recently restocked peg 21 with 67.7
4th,Jamie Compton on 27 with 53.5
5th Chris cotterell on 29 with 46.10
6th glen d on 34 with, 44.2
Joe Thompson on peg 5 with 20.8.
Off back to summerhayes on weds then next Sunday I,m running an open at landsend fishery on match and speci lake, 9.30 draw and fish 10.45-4.45. Ring me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Short pole series , final round

Back to chiton trinity for the final match in this series, I hoped woodland lake fishes better than it did last week, 24 of us fish this league, and it's proved quite popular, so I will be running it again next year, the lake is booked so I will put the dates up on here before the end of the week
I let misha draw for me and she handed me peg 10. A good peg so no complaints from me, for company I had Dave Evans on my right, on the peg that won last week, and Leon Hubbard on my left, who was on my peg last week and really struggled , I hoped history didn't repeat itself this week as I really needed a top 2 in section to keep me in with a chance of staying in the end of if series prize money.
I set up a pellet rig for 6 mtrs at 11o,clock angle , a meat rig for 5 mtrs at 1o,clock angle and a pellet rig for the right hand margin, the  left hand side was a non starter as it was to overgrown.
I started the match on the longer pellet line , and just cupped 6,s in trying to keep the fish on the deck in the 8 foot deep water , several people caught straight away, so it looked as though it may be better than last week, nope false dawn. At the end of the first hour I had one skimmer in the bag, Dave to my right had a few and Leon had caught as well , my peg never switched on really, there was plenty of fizzing in most peoples pegs including mine but the float refused to go under, I had to wait till the last 90 mins to catch , when I had a couple shallow , one on the deck on pellet and 2 more on the meat line plus a few skimmers from both lines, by the end it was clear that I was going to be well down in the section, so ending the league on a low, never mind , there's always next week,
1st on the day went to Shaun Townsend on peg 23 which was the end peg on the car park bank at the right hand end, he ended up with 12 carp catching some shallow some deep and a few down the edge for 72.11
2nd glen bailey on 26 with 59.1
3rd dick bull on 24 with 58.12
4th Dave Evans on 9 with 51.3
5th bela bakos on 31 with 50.6
6th tom mangnall  on 17 with 50.2
Silvers went to joe McMahon on 32 with 19.3 of  thrashed out whitebait
Paul Elmes 23 points
Chris fox 20 points , 308.2lb
Shaun Townsend 20 points 290.1 lb
Glen Bailey 19 points
Craig Edmunds 18 points 263.5 lb
Dave Evans 18 points  178.1

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Summerhayes weds open

Back to this nice fishery again this week, but it's a proper pegged match today , so not in charge of my own destiny today , which I prefer especially as I don't know to much about the venue.
Into the draw tin and out comes peg three on sellicks , a flyer peg behind the hut, and more importantly I missed the pegs on Lilly pool. For company I had the old stager Gary butler on 1 and Gabriel skarba on 4, and with them both looking to fish for silvers I would have the far bank carp to myself, I set up a meat rig for 5 mtrs, then the rest were pellet rigs, one for the left hand margin , one for on the on the deck against the far bank and a shallow rig for against the far side , the same rig would do for the right hand margin as it was very shallow, the far bank has a spit of bank sticking out giving me two sides of it to fish, the right hand side was only 12 mtrs away whereas the left hand side went back to 14.5 mtrs,
At the start I fed all lines and began on the deeper rig against the far bank, to say it was slow would be an understatement, after the first hour all I had was one carp and that came from my right hand margin, the second hour wasn't much better but I did manage three more carp from the far side and a skimmer off the meat line, which apart from a small carp later in the match those were the only two bites I had on meat. Also the left hand margin never seemed to get going, I did have one bite down there , but was royally seen off in a snag under the pallet of 4, also gabe spent a fair bit of time fishing the other side of the pallet for nothing either, I don't think to many fish were caught in the margin anywhere today, which is unusual on this lake. I had decided to feed the far bank quite aggressively with 6 mm hard pellet , and fish banded 8mm on the hook, it took till the last thre hours to start working, but the fish turned up it was enjoyable last half, I think I ended up with about 35 carp and the lonely skimmer, I didn't have to wait long for the scales as I was second to weigh in after Gary on peg 1 who had 14lb of skimmers which was good enough to give him second in the silvers and as 23 people were fishing today it meant he was going to get a pickup, Charlie Barnes on peg 3 on Lilly won the silvers with 15lb of skimmers, both of them caught on worm and caster .
My nets went 92.15 which was good enough for first on the day
2nd was andy hembrow on sellicks 8 with 77lb
3rd peanut on Lilly 2 with 76lb
4th mark leahay on sellicks 15 with 72.11
5th Martin addicott on Lilly 14 with 71.6
Another good match on what is sure to become more and more popular venue , as it's not a venue where it is   Possible to predict winning pegs, although some pegs do have a lot of history , the owners always make you welcome and the complimentary crisps and chocolate after the match are a nice touch.
Off to chilton trinity on Sunday for the last round of the short pole series, I do have one space available, so if anyone fancys it ring me at the shop to book in on 01179517250

Sunday, 7 September 2014

Chilton trinity, woodland lake , Sunday open

21 booked in for this one today,  a nice number on this lake, and since it brush with khv it has been fishing really well so I was looking forward to this one , fabio pulled out two tickets so I took one and ended up with peg 6 which is he first peg up on the far bank from the left hand end, it's a peg I've always fancied in the summer as it's a nice peg with good margins , so I set up a margin rig for down the right only as the left hand side has got a sunken tree in it, two deep rigs for in front, one at 5 mtrs for meat and one for 14 mtrs on hard pellet, with lots of fish moving n the surface I set up a shallow rig aswell, I would love to report we all had a good day , but the lake fished harder than I have ever known on a summers day, no real reason as to why, perhaps it was the building high pressure, the bright sunshine coupled with no wind or at may have been the full moon last night, but it was hard with no one catching, I lost more than I caught , and as a whole there were probably more fish lost than caught , I ended up with 6  carp and one tench for 27.7.
1st on the day was dick bull on 9 with 69lb. Of meat caught fish at 6 mtrs
2nd rich heatley on 14 with 38.8
3rd lee wherret on 3 with 38.1
4th Adrian jeffery on 2 with 37.12
5th me with 27.7
6th mark Walsh on 7 with 27.4
Gordon cannings on 24 with 14.1 of meat caught skimmers, just beating the gimp into second place off the next peg(23) who had 13.5 of whitebait

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Summerhayes weds open

On the first Wednesday of the month Pete runs this match as a rover I,m not to keen on rovers as it tends to favour the locals with lots of knowledge on the venue, I had a quick walk around the the lakes as you can fish any of the lakes, the only stipulation is that you leave at least one peg empty between you and the next angler, there were 25 booked in so that's exceptional for a midweeker recently, firstly you draw a number to sort out the draw sequence, an early number is always an advantage , so when I pulled out 23 I was a little bit upset , when it was my turn most of the main form pegs had gone , so I plumped for 23 on Lilly pool, it's a nice corner peg with a nice Lilly bed at 11 mtrs and a lot of cover in my left hand margin, there were lots of reeds to my right but they were to high and thick to be a sensible option. I fished a match at the venue last year and Aaron britnell drew it and had a reasonable weight of it , catching up the left hand margin on pellet, so I set up a depth pellet rig for out to the Lilly's, a shallow rig also primarily by the Lilly bed, and a couple of margin rigs, one for corn into the reeds at 5mtrs with corn as this bait has been doing well here recently, and a pellet rig for 12 mtrs along the edge just past the reeds, at the start I fed all my lines and began out by the Lillys, I should have known better !!!!! , an hour and 15 minutes later and with only one roach in the net things weren't really going to plan, I lost several tug of war contest with carp and Lilly's , both shallow and deep , stuart barnett on peg two at the other end of the lake was catching steadily, also adie bishop opposite on 11 was having a few on paste out by his Lilly pads but wasn't catching fast enough. I went down on my corn line and had two quick fish, and apart from another one a bit later in the match that was my only three bites in that spot, there were odd fish mooching through the reeds but it didn't seem overly populated,
I had been feeding with a catty on my 12 mtr line and several fish were at times slurping up the bank, I spent a lot of time trying to catch these, and I did get a few , but as is normal in these situations, the fish are a bit pole shy, I could get a quick one then they would disappear, only to turn up again once the pole is removed, I think I got it wrong today as in the last 24 mins I came off the bank a bit and had 4or 5 better fish, perhaps I should have done it earlier, I ended up with a dissapointing16 carp and a lonely roach, which was going to be no good whatsoever, I actually weighed just over 48lb 2 nd on the pond but way off the pace, the match was won by Giles cochrane on peg 20 on longs with 76lb
2nd steve kedge on 12 sellicks with 71lb
3rd I think was Dom Sullivan on 3 sellicks with 67lb
4th Ron hardiman on 18 longs 65lb
5th stuart barnet , 2 on Lilly with 61lb

Off to chilton on woodland on Sunday, still got a couple of spaces so ring me at the shop to book in if your interested

Sunday, 31 August 2014

Sedges brick lake , Sunday open

19 fishing today , just one Larry let down as his missus wouldn't let him use the car, I said I wouldn't say his name , so Pete noton I won't then.
I,ve really got to stop saying which peg I fancy , as I said to trig peg 10 would be nice today , I was last but one to draw and yes peg ten comes out stuck to my mit, it won the match on Saturday with 90 something pounds so I expected a reasonable day.
I set a meat rig for 5 and 14 mtrs ,it was the same depth within a couple of inches so one rig for both, the business end had the normal size 16 middy 8313 hook on .16, for the end bank I put together a rig to fish against the reeds in about 2 foot of water, so I was ready in plenty of time, at the start I fed both meat lines and fired some 6 mm pellets to the end bank, starting at 14 mtrs it didn't take to long to get my first carp, and by the end of the first hour I was on 4 carp and a couple of skimmers, it was about now that I saw the reeds twitching a bit so I got off my box and made a shallow rig up to fish at 6inches against the reed stems, and it worked well as by the end of the second hour I was on 12 carp, so it was off my box again to go and get another net as this fishery has a 100lb net limit and with 4 hours left it looked as though a big weight was on the card, I fed all lines before the net walk and when I got back the fish didn't seem to want to be against the reeds the same as before, in fact the last 4 hours were quite difficult I did manage a couple more on the long meat line but the rig against the reeds produced the best fishing banded 8mm over loose fed 6,s, I ended up with 23 carp up to about 12lb for what I reckoned would go 150lb ish, but it was going to be close with Craig Edmunds having a bit of a purple patch over on 13 catching really well towards the end on meat over groundbait in his margin including a fish of over 24lb, also Tom mangnall on 7 had enjoyed a good latter part of the match catching on his favoured straight lead approach ,
My 23 carp and few silvers went 148.1 for first today
2nd Craig Edmunds on 13 with 139.6
3rd Tom mangnall on 7 with 139.1, that was close
4th Martin rayet on 12 with 100.8
5th Martin lenaghan on peg 1 with 89.11
6th Gary o' Shea on peg 6 with 82.1
There was a tie for silvers with trig and Martin rayet both weighing 24.9 of skimmers
Next week I am running one at chilton trinity on woodland lake so phone me at the shop on 01179517250 to book in

Angling trust, aca masters, the glebe fishery

This fishery is a bit of a drive for one days fishing, it's a 240 mile round trip for me, so well over 2 hours driving but it's worth it from time to time as the sport can be good, I picked ken Rayner up at 5.30 and 2 hours 20 mins later we pulled into Mallory park for breakfast with a bit of time to kill before the 8.30 draw, it's a nice match as some of the best anglers in the country attend with the  ringers , James dent and the likes, we had to go to the fishery for the draw, which as is normal at this event it's all a bit haphazard , even though we were first to pay our pools we were last to draw, whilst waiting me and ken took a brief stroll around pool 1 where I commented on liking the look of peg 1, then we took a look at uglies pool and ken reckoned he was entitled to fish on there as he had never fished it , back to the draw and with mark poppleton eventually getting the last draw sequence , lo and behold peg 1 pool one for me and a nice draw on uglies for ken,
The peg was nice as I was sheltered from the gusty wind and I had lots of options, margins each side, long margin to a reed bed to my as it's an end peg, corn at 5 mtrs works well here as meat is banned and 2 pellet rigs for 14 mtrs  one deep and a shallow rig just in case, finally a pellet wag rod was assembled with a 4ssg j range styro was , it was probably a 45 yard sling to the far bank but with a favourable wind easily attainable, I was the only person on the lake to set one up, but with the wind getting worse that wasn't supriseing , most seemed to opting for a feeder approach , the method is banned on this complex and roar set up must have a minimum of a 20 inch hook length , and with reeds opposite feeder fishing can be a bit torrid with a hook link of that size, then again fishery owner Roy Marlow is known to work in mysterious ways from time to time, but it's a nice well kept fishery so he must be right most of the time.
Not to much to say about the fishing really as I had a nice day catching 35 smallish carp on all methods , starting on the long pellet rig on the deck and had a few, went long to the reeds and had some shallow there, went on the wag and caught well for a while then they backed off, I did lose a few on the wag as it felt as though there was a length of line going across the swim as I could feel the fish on the end, but they were tethered just going side to side, the corn line gave a few and the margin also had fish in it, in the end, it seemed as though I was going round in circles, the match was only 5 hours which seems really short and it was all over to soon, I was last to weigh on this lake and when the scales got to me 114.10 was winning the section, I thought it was going to be close, but I just managed to edge it with 115.12, so section win and 100 quid in the pocket, that just about covered the day day then !!!!!.
As for the team , we had a few indifferent results, so we ended up 6th I think which isn't to bad in a quality field,
The ringer team won it for the second year running so well done to them, no overall results as you can't get near the sheets , I could have had a look if I waited till after the raffle but with  a long drive we couldn't be assed, over 200lb won it with lots of 100lb back up weights, confirming it as certainly one of the premier waters in the country, but it's not a day ticket water , you need to be a member to fish it, so it never really gets the pressure that commercials get,
I fan ally walked back through my door at a little after 9.30pm , now that's a bit to long of a day for me, off to the sedges tomorrow a mere 40 miles down the road , easy.

Thursday, 28 August 2014

pole only, viaduct fishery, cambell lake

Travelled with trigger and fabio today so the banter was good, slagging loads of people off and putting the world to rights on all subjects from the best breakfast spots to immigration,
at the fishery 14 had booked in, still not great but better than normal, I still cant get my head around the fact no one wants to fish Wednesdays and stand the chance of making a slight profit, yet costcutters on venues like viaduct on thursdays and ivy hiuse on Tuesdays regularly get between 20 and 40, and if you win you hardly cover the cost of travelling there, perhaps its not about the coin anymore and just about a days fishing with the edge of competition.
Back to today and into the draw tin first and iut comes 116, good peg with plenty of fish out in front and the option of a good margin to my right with an overhanging tree, I was next to viaducts shortest 6 foot angler lewis greenwood, on 115 and he was looking a bit confident after the shoeing he gave me the week before, on my right was somersets best milk sucker dave romain,
keeping it simples today as I was going to fish meat at 6 and 13 mtrs and 8mm pellet down to my right , at the start I began at 13 mtrs,  kindering meat whilst feeding the same by hand at 6 mtrs,  I could also just about feed 8mm pellet by hand down to the tree. It was a bit of a slow start and by the end of the first hour I had 4 carp , but as far as I could see no one was catching. Lewis had caught a couple but as is normal he had yet to hook one in the mouth. I spent the first couple of hours at 13 mtrs and was getting the odd fish, but with the 6 mtr line now fizzing a bit , the temptation was to much, so I went in and started catching straight away,  but for some reason most of the fish being cqught today were of a slightly smaller stamp, there were some of the 7 to 10lb fish coming out,  but not as many as normal, I did give the margin a go and had a couple of fish, and I was getting lots of indications,  but the meat line at 6 mtrs was the best, feeding 8mm meat and fish7ng 10mm on a middy 8313 hook to ,18 but I still managed to have 2 rigs ripped off, not really the lines fault as they were almost definitely foulers judging by the ammount of avalon orange hollow elastic being pulled to the middle of the lake,  and thats strong stuff. John howell up on 119 left about halfway through and dave romain went down to the newly vacated swim and began cathing really well, all within a couple of minutes of john leaving,  also lewis had started to catch on his close line, trigger on 123 was also catching as was p nut on 110, but kept catching odd fish right to the end ending up with 40 carp of various sizes, so over 200lb was in the nets, the only person with more carp than me was p nut but his fish were a lot smaller.
It fished really well again and it turned into quite a close affair.
1st was me with 242.14
2nd p nut on 110 with 221lb
3rd lewis greenwood king, on 115 with 216lb
4th trigger edmunds, on 123 with212.8
5thdave romain,  on 118 with 183.2
6th j walvin on 112 with 142.14
silvers with 36.9 was the gimp on 130 with 5 tench a few skimmers and lots of small roach and tiny skimmers on worm and caster

Monday, 25 August 2014

gary wall memorial, landsend fishery

A bit of a dissapointing turnout,  only 14 in the end, so plenty of space for all, mark poppleton handed me a peg which turned out to be 13, up in the top left hand corner of the lake, the only person I could see was mark poppleton opposite on 11, only three rigs to put up today, a marg7n pellet rig down to my right ,(never used), a meat rig for 6 mtrs at 11 and 2 o, clock angles and a pellet rig for 8ver towards the island , about 2 foot off the island,
the weather men seemed to have got it right today as it rained for
5 1/2 hours of the 6, luckily there was very little wind so I was sat under the brolly for the duration of the match , not to much to talk about in this match as I had an easy day, start7ng at 6 mtrs on meat catchung ok so I stayed on this short line for the first 4 hours whilst feeding the island but I never had to go over till the last 2 hours and had some carp there aswell, trouble is its only 12 inches deep over there so the fish are a bit cagey, mark opposite started better than me catching on paste just off the island but his oeg dried 7n the last 2 hours whereas I kept catdhing a few ending up with abiut 35 carp for what shiuod be over 150lb, when I weighed they actually went 178.13 for first on the day so quite a profitable couple of days,
2nd was tom mangnall on 22 with 154.2
3rd mark poppleton on 11 with 121
4th pete nurse on 19 with 114.15
5th rod Wootten on 32 with 105.1 which also included the top silvers weight on the day with 28.10 of mainly skimmers
6th cockney bob , a friend of steve tuckers , on peg 31 with 99.1
off to viaduct again on Wednesday for a pole only on campbell,  10 draw , book in at the fishery if your interested